Monday, May 15, 2017

Narrowing Topic for Research

Ways to Narrow Down a Topic

How do I Know If My Topic Needs to be Narrowed?

Most students will have to narrow down their topic at least a little. The first clue is that your paper needs to be narrowed is simply the length required of you (a 10 minute presentation). You can't properly discuss "war" in 1,000 words, nor talk about orange rinds for 12 pages. Preliminary research also helps you determine whether or not you'll even need to refine your topic.
The amount of resources is often a good guide. For example, if you knew that you didn't need more than six to eight references for your paper and there are over 50 books, that's a good sign to narrow your subject area to a more specific topic. Or, if you are writing a fifteen page paper and you can't find more than three sources, you will have to broaden your topic. 1
The other great guide, which is somewhat subjective, is the popularity of the subject area or topic itself. Consider how popular your topic is with the general public? In a college setting? With your fellow classmates? If your subject wouldn't be interesting to any of those audiences, you may want to reconsider your topic.
Narrowing a Topic
  1. First start out with a general topic. Take the topic and break it down into categories by asking the five W’s and H.
    1. Who? 
    2. What? 
    3. Where? 
    4. When? 
    5. Why? 
    6. How? 
  2. Now consider the following question areas to generate specific ideas to narrow down your topic.
    1. Problems faced? 
    2. Problems overcome? 
    3. Motives 
    4. Effects on a group? 
    5. Member group? 
    6. Group affected? 
    7. Group benefited? 
    8. Group responsible for/paid for _____ 
  3. Finally, refine your ideas by by considering the S.O.C.R.A.P.R . model.
    1. = Similarities 
    2. = Opposites
    3. = Contrasts
    4. = Relationships 
    5. = Anthropomorphisms [interpreting reality in terms of human values] 
    6. = Personifications [giving objects or descriptions human qualities] 
    7. = Repetition (has it been repeated or is it still continuously relevant? how so?

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