Friday, December 9, 2016

Semester 1 Final Review and AP Exam Study Materials

Click start to begin the online practice exam.
Your final will only include MC that are reflected of Literature and Poetry, there will be no drama on the exam.

For the essay portion you will be able to choose between a poetry prompt and a literature excerpt prompt. Here is a resource with a list of essay topic to view and familiarize yourself with. Good review would be to outline an essay.

Here are sample essays with the scoring guide for the review from Monday. Compare your thesis statements and outlines to the high scoring essays.



  1. I agree with Mikayla Booker because her fixed form emphasizes on the ideas of her poem.

  2. I agree with Dimetrius because the fixed form she uses helps convey the strong philosophical ideas she mentions in hewr poem.

  3. I agree with dimetrius the poem does convey a a stronger poem and i loved how she used it in her poem

  4. Te’kiya Jackson
    Ap Literature and Composition
    Never will i back down without a fight
    Everything may go wrong but, i will never
    Victory only comes to those who never give up
    Eventually i will get what i fought for
    Reality is i will never back down without a fight
    Acrostic: An acrostic poem is when certain letters in each line spells out a word or phrase. 1st letter in lines give a message.
    My poem is an acrostic i choose this type of poem because it can enforce something by putting a word for u to mainly focus on. I like that it focus on one topic and to me it gives the word a deeper meaning. And i like that the poem doesn’t have to rhyme like all the rest of the poems well at least some of them.
