Sunday, January 22, 2017

Form Practice

Follow the link below:

Choose two different forms to research from the list in the above link. Your reply should look as follows:
AP Literature
Ms. Nicholson
23 January 2017

1. Form type #1 and definition
2. Poem example and source
3. How the form is used to reinforce meaning in the poetry example.  

1. Form type #2 and definition
2. Poem example and source
3. How the form is used to reinforce meaning in the poetry example.
Then choose Stanzaic, Fixed or Continuous Form. Write your own poem that follows your chosen form. Then write a 3-5 sentence explanation as to why you chose this form and explain how it is used to reinforce the meaning of your poem. 

*You must comment on 2 others poems and offer your own insight into how they used the form. 


  1. Daishana Milton
    AP literature
    23, January 2017

    A poem consisting only of lines from other poems. This, from the Italian word for patchwork, is almost a technique rather than a form, especially as it can be of any length, and any metre, and need not rhyme; however, as the finished poem is referred to as a cento, just as a sonnet is called a sonnet, it is a form.
    2. Secret Dream by Edgar Allen Poe
    3. He makes it as a dream within a dream and cento is patchwork and it is basically an idea in an idea two different things made into one

    An acrostic poem is one that uses the first letters of each line to spell out a word or phrase. More uncommonly, you can find a word or phrase through the centre of a poem (when it is called a mesostich) or at the end of the lines (which makes it a telestich). If the poem is written so that the first letters and last letters both write out a message, it is known as a double acrostic.

    2. An Acrostic by Edgar Allen Poe

    3. This poem is used to reinforced the meaning by `spelling out what the general idea is talking about with lines of explaination

  2. Daishana Milton
    AP literature
    23, January 2017

    A poem consisting only of lines from other poems. This, from the Italian word for patchwork, is almost a technique rather than a form, especially as it can be of any length, and any metre, and need not rhyme; however, as the finished poem is referred to as a cento, just as a sonnet is called a sonnet, it is a form.
    2. Secret Dream by Edgar Allen Poe
    3. He makes it as a dream within a dream and cento is patchwork and it is basically an idea in an idea two different things made into one

    An acrostic poem is one that uses the first letters of each line to spell out a word or phrase. More uncommonly, you can find a word or phrase through the centre of a poem (when it is called a mesostich) or at the end of the lines (which makes it a telestich). If the poem is written so that the first letters and last letters both write out a message, it is known as a double acrostic.

    2. An Acrostic by Edgar Allen Poe

    3. This poem is used to reinforced the meaning by `spelling out what the general idea is talking about with lines of explaination

  3. Johnathon Taylor
    Ap Literature
    23 January 2017
    Form Practice

    An acrostic poem is one that uses the first letters of each line to spell out a word or phrase. More uncommonly, you can find a word or phrase through the centre of a poem (when it is called a mesostich) or at the end of the lines (which makes it a telestich). If the poem is written so that the first letters and last letters both write out a message, it is known as a double acrostic.

    F eeling enraptured, Autumn dances in the wind, then undresses.
    A s bright robes fall to the ground, her passion paints the twilight skies.
    L ike a nymph, she beckons, tossing her fiery auburn tresses.
    L ongingly she sighs - September’s bliss lingering in her eyes.

    I ndian summer days come; then they go.
    N ights though chill, embrace her in indigo.

    L ater, in November, her sweetness wanes.
    O ctober cannot stay forever loving her.
    V acantly she gazes through freezing rains.
    E ndearments whispered - cease - when Fall loses ardor.

    This poem discusses what it feels like to be falling in love. The cool thing about an acrostic is that it could add an extra subliminal message to reinforce the meaning of the poem. In this case it reinforce the idea of falling in love. With eveery first letter of each line spelling “ Fall in love”.

    A poem consisting only of lines from other poems. This, from the Italian word for patchwork, is almost a technique rather than a form, especially as it can be of any length, and any metre, and need not rhyme; however, as the finished poem is referred to as a cento, just as a sonnet is called a sonnet, it is a form.

    Hope Is the Thing with Feathers
    (A Cento Poem) Title from Emily Dickinson

    When swords were bright and steeds were prancing Miniver Cheevy
    and the fire-wood glowed knife-edge Hart Crane
    too burning and too quick to hold; Sara Teasdale
    I saw the ruddy moon lean over a hedge, Ezra Pound

    like the vagrant ghost of winter Hart Crane
    and the smell of red clay after rain. Langston Hughes
    My face burned and tickled with cobwebs Robert Frost
    and my window looked upon the lane. Phyllis McGinley

    Cliff took two glasses and filled one with wine Edward Arlington Robinson
    for Maggie and Millie and Mollie and May. E. E. Cummings
    Now the spoiler has come; does it care? Robinson Jeffer
    We saw him, or thought we saw him, dim and gray. Robert Frost

    I can hear them sing the tune without words, Emily Dickinson
    and I can see them dance like a foggy song Stephen Vincent Benet
    while I grow mad with gazing Amy Lovell
    only to light a passion, blazing strong. May Sarton

    It takes life to love life Edgar Lee Masters
    down to the Puritan marrow of my bones, Elinor Wylie
    in burnt out ends of smoky days T. S. Eliot
    when blue plums lie open to boat-tail cones. Elinor Wylie

    Ads you can see this poem above uses lines from different pooets to create a different poem. The purpose of why it is used in this poem is to add more significanve to this poem. Also, we can see that the connections found in this poem to the different authors help the author here convey a confusing tone towards love.

  4. Love Got Away
    I see you drift away in the dark
    Seeking out another soul
    After your heart left me

    I see your loving leave
    A place of calamity
    And enter a place of danger
    Oh, you were a tragedy

    I see you with another heart
    Wondering when you will feel the pain
    After your heart left me

    I see you are happy
    And you did not cry a bit
    Oh, you were a tragedy

    I will get over you
    Eventually find someone new
    After your your heart left me

    Its been years since you left me
    I have not found anyone new
    I know you are evil and cold blooded
    After your heart left me

    I chose a structured stanzaic form because I like my work to be chronological and structure.This reinforces the meaning of the poem because the events talked about in the poem go chronologically and are in a structured form. This structured form reinforces that the message and timeline is supposed to be structured.

    1. Was it hard putting everything in chronological order? Overall I like how you used the word "love"

    2. I really liked this poem but,you did constantly use the phrase "I see" but, other than that i love the poem and i love the way you described love. Why did you decide to use this form of poem of all?? was it to challenge yourself??

    3. I feel that this form of poetry was highly effective for the love theme of the poem. The structured form of the poem definitely achieves your desired purpose which was to show a chronological timeline of this tragic love story. Excellent job!

  5. Dio’yanay Hicks
    AP Literature
    23 January 2017

    1.Form type: Acrostic
    Definition: An acrostic poem is a type of poetry where the first, last, or other letters in a line spell out a particular word or phrase.
    2.Poem Example and source:
    P iles of candy
    U nder the bed
    M ake for a delicious snack
    P eople
    K now
    I t’s been Halloween because
    N o one is without candy
    3.This form is used to reinforce meaning in the poetry example because it is talking about how everyone sees a pumpkin and ghosts, that automatically let them know that halloween is near. Also the first letter of each stanza makes a word.

    1.Form type;Terza Rima
    Definition: A terza rima consists of stanza of three lines usually pentameter. It follows an interlocking rhyming scheme, or chain rhyme.
    2.Poem Example and source:
    From Second Satire
    Sir Thomas Wyatt (1503-42)
    My mother’s maids, when they did sew and spin,
    They sang sometimes a song of the field mouse,
    That for because their livelihood was but so thin
    Would needs go seek her townish sister’s house.
    She thought herself endured to much pain:
    The stormy blasts her cave so sore did souse...
    3.This form is used to reinforce meaning in the poetry example because of the pattern, it follows an
    (ABA, BCB, CDC….) pattern.

    FRIENDS By: Dio’yanay Hicks

    F ights for you
    R emembers you
    I nvite you
    E ntertain you
    N ever neglects you
    D rives you crazy
    S tands by your side

    1. I chose Friends because I was showing my meaning for the word "friends" and it allowed me to let the readers know the overall meaning/theme to my poem

    2. The use of acrostic form in this poem makes it seen that she is talking about her friends and makes it more memorable.

    3. The form used gives a description of what it means to be a friend without mentioning the word friend

    4. I really like your poem Dio'yanay. By this poem form you reinforce the meaning of your "friends", and we can understand what they mean to you and what they do for you. Well done!

    5. the form in the poem was used to simply show how friends will be towards you shows the description of the relationship between you and friends

    6. i love how you decided to use acrostic. This is a great poem and love that you decided to describe friendship.

    7. I love it just love it so much it reminds me of my best friend relationship.

  6. Martell walker
    23 jan.17

    1. Cento poetry- From the Latin word for “patchwork," the cento (or collage poem) is a poetic form made up of lines from poems by other poets. Though poets often borrow lines from other writers and mix them in with their own, a true cento is composed entirely of lines from other sources.

    2. With lines from Charles Wright, Marie Ponsot, Emily Dickinson, Sylvia Plath, and Samuel Beckett, the staff of the Academy of American Poets composed the following as an example:
    “In the Kingdom of the Past, the Brown-Eyed Man is King
    Brute. Spy. I trusted you. Now you reel & brawl.
    After great pain, a formal feeling comes—
    A vulturous boredom pinned me in this tree
    Day after day, I become of less use to myself,
    The hours after you are gone are so leaden.”
    3. Modern centos are often witty, creating irony or humor from the juxtaposition of images and ideas. Two examples of contemporary centos are “The Dong with the Luminous Nose," by John Ashbery and Peter Gizzi’s “Ode: Salute to the New York School.” Ashbery’s cento takes its title from the poem of the same name by Edward Lear and weaves together an unlikely array of voices, including Gerard Manley Hopkins, T. S. Eliot, and Lord Byron. Gizzi employed the form to create a collage of voices, as well as a bibliography, from the New York School poets.

  7. Dimetrius Poston
    AP Eng Lit Comp
    Ms. Nicholson
    23 January 2017

    An acrostic poem is one that uses the first letters of each line to spell out a word or phrase. More uncommonly, you can find a word or phrase through the centre of a poem (when it is called a mesostich) or at the end of the lines (which makes it a telestich). If the poem is written so that the first letters and last letters both write out a message, it is known as a double acrostic

    2. Elizabeth
    Elizabeth, it surely is most fit
    [Logic and common usage so commanding]
    In thy own book that first thy name be writ,
    Zeno and other sages notwithstanding;
    And I have other reasons for so doing
    Besides my innate love of contradiction;
    Each poet - if a poet - in pursuing
    The muses thro' their bowers of Truth or Fiction,
    Has studied very little of his part,
    Read nothing, written less - in short's a fool
    Endued with neither soul, nor sense, nor art,
    Being ignorant of one important rule,
    Employed in even the theses of the school-
    Called - I forget the heathenish Greek name
    [Called anything, its meaning is the same]
    "Always write first things uppermost in the heart."
    -Edgar Allen Poe
    3. Acrostic poems are fun and a kind of code. In poetry, it used to hide a message in plain sight, while simultaneously describing it. In Elizabeth, Edgar Allen Poe uses acrostic form to talk to the subject, Elizabeth.

    1. CENTO
    A poem consisting only of lines from other poems. This, from the Italian word for patchwork, is almost a technique rather than a form, especially as it can be of any length, and any metre, and need not rhyme; however, as the finished poem is referred to as a cento, just as a sonnet is called a sonnet, it is a form.

    2. “In the Kingdom of the Past, the Brown-Eyed Man is King
    Brute. Spy. I trusted you. Now you reel & brawl.
    After great pain, a formal feeling comes—
    A vulturous boredom pinned me in this tree
    Day after day, I become of less use to myself,
    The hours after you are gone are so leaden.”
    -Staff of the Academy of American Poets With lines from Charles Wright, Marie Ponsot, Emily Dickinson, Sylvia Plath, and Samuel Beckett
    3. A poem could choose to use cento form to alluse to other poets while making a message of their own. In this case, the staff used cento form to talk to their subject, a traitor the narrator once knew, using lines from other poets. This adds emphasis on the words that are known worldwide.

    Cento- Fixed Form

    Everywhere we are
    Everywhere we go
    Everybody knows
    Girls like girls like boys do
    Nothing new
    And I will always love you

    I chose cento form because I often use other people’s words to describe how I feel, because it is easier than trying to make my own words. Cento form fits this poem because the words work perfectly together. I am able to choose what lines I want however I want them, and that they are so widely known makes them not only recognizable, but more likely to be retained.

    1. I like how you arranged your poem..

    2. Excellent work Ms Poston. Your use of cento is flawless as it combines the different lines of poetry into one understandable poem that is not all over the place.

    3. I really like that this poem makes you have to think and use your mind to better understand it.I love the way you decided to set this up this way. Were you trying to make your readers think about your poem or did it just turn out that way??

  8. Dayonna Stitt
    Ap Literature
    23 January 2017

    1. Acoustic- A poem that uses the first, last or other letters of each line to spell out a word or phrase. Commonly, it’s the first letters that are used.

    2. “Keats”
    Kind sister! aye, this third name says you are;
    Enchanted has it been the Lord knows where;
    And may it taste to you like good old wine,
    Take you to real happiness and give
    Sons, daughters and a home like honied hive.
    3. The form is used the reinforce the meaning because the form make it looks more artistic. It can appeal to younger and older audiences because of the way it is written. It looks interesting to the eye. It also helps to expand on the meaning of the poem.
    1.Ottava Rima- It’s often used in longer poems. It consists of 8 lines, usually in iambic pentameter, and rhymed abababcc. Each line consists of eleven syllables.
    2. “Loveless”

    Sweet thorns embrace the heart living in pain,
    which never uttered soft a lovesick sigh.
    Such judged that passion’s not a value gained.
    Loveless in life, the time had passed on by.
    As empty years progress, one grows deranged,
    left in a box where broken dreams do lie.
    God’s promise is for His love to restore,
    the injured soul deprived of it before.
    3. This form reinforces the poem to show this act of heroism from inside the poem.

    1. I see that you spelled put spring by describing it which helps the reader developed a understanding of the meaning of the poem.

  9. Martell Walker
    Ms. Nicholson
    23 jan. 17

    1.Acrostic poetry- An acrostic poem is one that uses the first letters of each line to spell out a word or phrase. More uncommonly, you can find a word or phrase through the centre of a poem (when it is called a mesostich) or at the end of the lines (which makes it a telestich). If the poem is written so that the first letters and last letters both write out a message, it is known as a double acrostic.

    2. Spelling out "spring"...
    Sunny days
    Plants awakening
    Raindrops on the roof
    Interesting clouds
    New flowers
    Gray skies
    3. The specific words use the poem reinforce the meaning of what happens in spring itself, and also the words makes you visualize every word in your head which is imagery poetry.

    Read more at:

    1. the form that was used in the poem was used to express spring because the letters in the beginning spells spring

    2. This poem expresses the meaning of spring and it really enforces the meaning more

  10. Te’kiya Jackson
    Ap Literature and Composition

    Acrostic: An acrostic poem is when certain letters in each line spells out a word or phrase. 1st letter in lines give a message.
    Hockey is my favorite sport
    On the ice or street
    Cool and fun
    Keep on playing
    Exercise and stronger
    You should try

    This poem reinforces the meaning of the poem because, it helps you understand the message in their poem better and it helps bring out a deeper meaning and give you more information on the topic they want to focus on.

    Cento: A poem that has lines from other poems or poets. It entire poem is from other writers with some of their own.
    Pink and perfect mystery
    to which I ply my finger,
    she ripens so exquisitely
    the longer that I linger

    and fluff the modest blossom
    with my gentle loving hand,
    teasing, ever pleasing
    so that now I understand

    how beautiful the flower
    that yields without duress,
    blooming now so fully
    in the warmth of my caress.

    This form helps reinforce the meaning because, it flows very beautifully and it all connects seeming like different events taking all of them and taking into one and making into one. I love how this poem talks about things she dont want to forget.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Great use of fixed form to neatly visualize the poem.

  11. Anthony Pickens
    AP LIterature and composition
    An acrostic poem is one that uses the first letters of each line to spell out a word or phrase. More uncommonly, you can find a word or phrase through the centre of a poem (when it is called a mesostich) or at the end of the lines (which makes it a telestich). If the poem is written so that the first letters and last letters both write out a message, it is known as a double acrostic.

    Example: One Birthday Song I sing
    A-fter the storm has gone,
    B-ad weather turns fair;
    I-nclement clime turns fine,
    G-ray clouds vanish into the air.
    A-n early morn has broken,
    I-n March twenty-five this year;
    L-onely night is just over as the dark shadows disappear.

    R-ain is ceasing to fall,
    A-nother dawn is shining;
    G-ood day lights the way,
    O-ne birthday song I
    (Benard F. Asuncion)
    This form reinforced the meaning of the poem by making it clear that this is a birthday message to someone named Abigail Ragos.

    Example 2
    This can be of any length; it is a poem of four-line stanzas, in which the second and fourth lines of one stanza become the first and third of the next. The last stanza's second and fourth lines can be the first and third of the first stanza, either reversed or not, which locks the poem into a circle of repetitions or, as the poet Marilyn Hacker says, "until it ends up with its tail in its mouth".

    In The Backyard By.Catie Lindsey
    While watching the stars way up high,
    my thoughts drift to another time,
    sleeping beneath a clear summer sky,
    four sisters, all in childhood's prime.

    My thoughts drift to another time,
    another place, where innocence was bred,
    four sisters, all in childhood's prime,
    talking and giggling as we climbed into bed.

    Another place where innocence was bred,
    when the night was dark and the stars shone bright,
    talking and giggling as we crawled into bed,
    counting the shooting stars in the sky at night.

    When the night was dark, and the stars shone bright,
    after a long and exhausting play day,
    counting the shooting stars in the sky at night,
    all our cares, just up and flew away.

    After a long and exhausting play day,
    sleeping beneath a clear summer sky,
    all our cares, just up and flew away,
    while watching the stars way up high.
    The poem contributes to the meaning by the second line rhyme in one group of four lines is the the rhyme in the second group of four.

    Acrostic Poem by Anthony Pickens
    I am Fear
    A dog with fierce teeth I am
    Mythical Monster with one ear
    Ferris stuck while you are in the sky I am
    Educational African American with his gear
    After hour shift in a bad neighborhood
    Racing heart without known reason

    1. Your use of acrostic form is quite creative, though you may want to add your 3-5 sentence explanation to get full points.

    2. You did forget your explanation... but I do like the poem.

    3. I agree with dayonna great poem but, you did forget your explanation. and i just love the way this poem is set up, you can take this poem as all different types of meanings. I take this as fear that of life of what the world is becoming.

  12. Christian Brown
    AP Lit.
    Ms Nicholson
    23 January 2017

    Clerihew: Named after its inventor, this is a four-line poem rhymed aabb; its first line is the name of the subject of the poem, it often breaks into two sentences at the end of the second line, and the rhythm tends to be entertainingly irregular.
    Example: Auden's "Literary Graffiti" Source:
    Sir Henry Rider Haggard
    Was completely staggered
    When his bride-to-be
    Announced, "I am She!"
    Use: This form is used to reinforce the meaning of comedy by it being in short a funny, whimsical poem that focuses on a single person.

    This one is normally reserved for nonsense verse. 8 lines, all consisting of two dactyls (hence the name). Line 1 is a nonsense word (such as "higgledy-piggledy"), line 2 is someone's name, line 6 is a single six-syllable word, and lines 4 and 8 rhyme.

    Higgledy Piggledy by Ian Lancashire
    Higgledy piggledy,
    Bacon, lord Chancellor.
    Negligent, fell for the
    Paltrier vice.
    Bribery toppled him,
    Finished him, testing some
    Poultry on ice.

    The major purpose of dactylic rhythm is to create lilting movement and a break. Apart from this, it makes poems pleasing, as intrinsically it is delightful and makes it more meaningful by using stressed and unstressed patterns.

    Cento-Fixed Form
    Easter Boys and Western Girls
    Shining Like Diamonds and Pearls
    A thing of beauty is a joy for ever
    Forever young and carefree

    I chose cento because Cento allows for you to take multiple poetry that share a common idea and intricately put that together to collaborate a story composed of all their meaning. Then I chose fixed form because it helps to act as a template to organize all the poem’s lines together neatly.

    1. I like it and how you broke down the definition of the form.

  13. Jahnae Davila
    AP Lit and Comp
    23 Jan 2017
    Pantoum - poem of 4 line stanzas, though the poem can be of any length. The last stanza’s second and fourth lines can be the first of the third of the first stanza that can be reversed.
    Sleep, she will not linger;
    She turns her moon cold shoulder
    With no ring on her finger
    You cannot hope to hold her

    She turns her moon cold shoulder,
    And tosses off the cover,
    You cannot hope to hold her
    She has another lover.

    3.The pantoum form of this poem helps to emphasize, not only the serious tone of the poem, but also the emotion of the speaker. The repetition of “she turns her moon cold shoulder”, and “you cannot hope to hold her” reinforce this idea of this woman being out of the reach of the speaker and his being desperate in want of attaining this woman.

    1. I loved this poem. the repetition really helped reinforce the intended meaning with this one. I like the short style you used but you used it so well that within the short amount of stanza you were able to have you portrayed so much to the audience. absolutely great read.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Clerihew- a poem consisting of 4 lines that have a aabb rhyme pattern. Typically, the first line of the poem contains the subject of the poem.
    My dog named Bo,
    Likes to go with the flow
    He runs and dashes,
    And has long eyelashes.
    3. This form reinforces the meaning of the poem in that it enhances the lightheartedness of the poem and adds to the childish feel of describing a dog as ‘going with the flow’ and having ‘long eyelashes’.

  17. Nikala McKinney
    AP Literature
    23 January 2017
    Terza Rima: an arrangement of triplets, especially in iambs, that rhyme aba bcb cdc, etc.,

    Example of Terza Rima poem:
    (A) New life begins to spring to life in spring
    (B) Green shoots appear in the April showers
    (A) Birds migrate back home and rest tired wings

    (B) Summer brings green fields full of bright flowers
    (C) Paddling pools and ice creams all around
    (B) The sun shines fiercely with all its powers

    (C) Autumn sends leaves tumbling to the ground
    (D) The sun sinks lower leaving longer nights
    (C) Conkers and acorns waiting to be found

    (D) Winter is a time for Halloween frights
    (E) Snow on the ground and Jack Frost's ache
    (D) Celebrations filled with festive delights

    (E) As winter ends the new year starts to make
    (E) New life begins to spring to life and awake.

    This formed is used to reinforce the meaning of the joys of the different seasons. For example, Spring brings new life, while Winter is made for Halloween and snow.

    Double Dactyl:The first three lines of each stanza are dactylic dimeter; the last one is a choriamb. The two stanzas end with a masculine rhyme on the last syllable of the choriamb. The final feature of the form is found in line six of the poem: a single, six-syllable word which is a double-dactyl.

    Example of Double Dactyl:
    Higgledy piggledy,
    Bacon, lord Chancellor.
    Negligent, fell for the
    Paltrier vice.

    Bribery toppled him,
    Finished him, testing some
    Poultry on ice.
    (by Ian Lancashire)

    This poem reinforces a king falling because of the mistakes he makes in life.

    My Continuous Poem:

    Always changing with your double standards,
    And making it hard for those who want change,
    Society always complicate things;

    With their strict rules and regulations
    Of how a young man and woman should act
    And how the rich is better than the poor,

    We will never be able to change ourselves
    Or be able to express ourselves fully,
    If Society never changes.

    This poem relates to continuous form because it explains how hard society is for people who live in one with strict rules and regulations, but since it doesn’t break until the end, it makes the poem seem like one thought that’s ongoing.

    1. I like the meaning of your poem also how it somewhat of paradox in how society changes but we need it to change some more in order to be accepted.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This poem speaks to me so much,I LOVE this poem. i love the meaning, the way you expressed yourself and i love the way the poem is set up.This shows the little change in society. Society can not change us only we can change ourselves.

  18. Armonee Harrison
    AP Composition & Literature

    1. Terza Rima: A poem in which each stanza is rhymed aba, with the inner rhyme from one stanza providing the outer rhymes for either the previous or subsequent stanza: aba bcb cdc... or aba cac dcd.... The form can end in a single-line stanza, a couplet, or by referring back to the as-yet-unused rhyme from the first stanza.

    A poem in which each stanza is rhymed aba, with the inner rhyme from one stanza providing the outer rhymes for either the previous or subsequent stanza: aba bcb cdc... or aba cac dcd.... The form can end in a single-line stanza, a couplet, or by referring back to the as-yet-unused rhyme from the first stanza.

    A poem in which each stanza is rhymed aba, with the inner rhyme from one stanza providing the outer rhymes for either the previous or subsequent stanza: aba bcb cdc... or aba cac dcd.... The form can end in a single-line stanza, a couplet, or by referring back to the as-yet-unused rhyme from the first stanza.

    An example of a Terza Rima Poem


    (A) New life begins to spring to life in spring
    (B) Green shoots appear in the April showers
    (A) Birds migrate back home and rest tired wings

    (B) Summer brings green fields full of bright flowers
    (C) Paddling pools and ice creams all around
    (B) The sun shines fiercely with all its powers

    (C) Autumn sends leaves tumbling to the ground
    (D) The sun sinks lower leaving longer nights
    (C) Conkers and acorns waiting to be found

    (D) Winter is a time for Halloween frights
    (E) Snow on the ground and Jack Frost's ache
    (D) Celebrations filled with festive delights

    (E) As winter ends the new year starts to make
    (E) New life begins to spring to life and awake.

    The continuous rhyme scheme aba bcb cdc... or aba cac dcd.

    2. PANTOUM
    This can be of any length; it is a poem of four-line stanzas, in which the second and fourth lines of one stanza become the first and third of the next. The last stanza's second and fourth lines can be the first and third of the first stanza, either reversed or not, which locks the poem into a circle of repetitions or, as the poet Marilyn Hacker says, "until it ends up with its tail in its mouth".

    An example of a Pantoum Poem

    'World War II Pantoum'

    A Remember those who died for us (1)
    B They did not die in vain (2)
    A They gave their lives and their trust (3)
    B So atrocities of war are never again (4)

    A They did not die in vain (2)
    B Wear a poppy each November (5)
    A So atrocities of war are never again (4)
    B We must never forget, but remember (6)

    A Wear a poppy each November (5)
    B Honour those so brave (7)
    A We must never forget, but remember (6)
    B Our freedom they did pave(8)

    A Honour those so brave (7)
    B They gave their lives and their trust (3)
    A Our freedom they did pave (8)
    B Remember those who died for us. (1)

  19. Jaylen Williams
    AP Literature
    Ms. Nicholson
    23 January 2017

    1. This one is normally reserved for nonsense verse. 8 lines, all consisting of two dactyls (hence the name). Line 1 is a nonsense word (such as "higgledy-piggledy"), line 2 is someone's name, line 6 is a single six-syllable word, and lines 4 and 8 rhyme.

    2.Rikki Tikki by Michael Degenhardt

    3. In the poem “Rikki Tikki”, the first line is a nonsense word(slippery slappery.) Line two is a name(Rikki Tikki Tavi) and lines 4-8 rhyme. The poem tells a short story about Rikki Tikki.

    1. A stanza form often used for longer poems, most famously in Byron's 'Don Juan', consisting of eight lines, usually in iambic pentameter, rhymed abababcc.

    2.Worthy Work by Bruce Horick

    3. The poem “Worthy Work” is a poem in iambic pentameter, with the rhyme scheme abababcc. The poem is about working hard and smart and eventually receiving a reward at the end of all of your work.

    Greetings by Jaylen Williams

    How are you today?
    I feel great. Could be better.
    Thank you for asking.

    I used fixed form for my poem. I wrote a haiku about a simple greeting between two people. The haiku emphasizes how a simple greeting could make someone’s day.

    1. I like this poem because it's true. There has been multiple stories told about how someone's politeness made a person's day better. That's why teachers always greet their students by the door instead of behind a desk.

    2. I like your poem because of the simplicity it has plays into the overall meaning. the poem is short and simple and reflects that of the meaning that something as simple as a polite greeting can have a huge impact on a person's day

  20. Jalen McIntosh
    Ms. Nicholson
    AP Literature & Composition
    23 January 2017

    This one is normally reserved for nonsense verse. 8 lines, all consisting of two dactyls (hence the name). Line 1 is a nonsense word (such as "higgledy-piggledy"), line 2 is someone's name, line 6 is a single six-syllable word, and lines 4 and 8 rhyme.

    Higgledy Piggledy by Ian Lancashire
    Higgledy piggledy,
    Bacon, lord Chancellor.
    Negligent, fell for the
    Paltrier vice.
    Bribery toppled him,
    Finished him, testing some
    Poultry on ice.

    The major purpose of dactylic rhythm is to create lilting movement and a break. Apart from this, it makes poems pleasing, as intrinsically it is delightful and makes it more meaningful by using stressed and unstressed patterns.

    Named after its inventor, this is a four-line poem rhymed aabb; its first line is the name of the subject of the poem, it often breaks into two sentences at the end of the second line, and the rhythm tends to be entertainingly irregular.

    Auden's "Literary Graffiti"
    Sir Henry Rider Haggard
    Was completely staggered
    When his bride-to-be
    Announced, "I am She!"

    This form is used to reinforce the meaning of comedy by it being in short a funny, whimsical poem that focuses on a single person.

    Stanzaic Poem by Jalen McIntosh
    No matter how hard you try you always seem to fail
    You fail some much that it makes you want to wail

    But don’t ever give up, don’t be discouraged
    ‘Cause in the end you’ll be successful, but you must have the courage.

    The form that I chose helps emphasize the meaning of the poem because it emphasizes the contrast between the feelings of failure. The first one talks about the negatives of failure. The second stanza talks about the positives of failure.

    1. What type of Stanzaic form poem is this?

    2. Overall, it's a good poem but you forgot to make it a set meter.

    3. I totally agree but overall a good poem from a good artist to another.

    4. This poem reminds me of my poem it talks about never giving up, this poem speaks to me and i love the way it is set up. But, what stanzaic form is this?? And you meant to say so in the second line.

  21. Desire’ Parks
    AP Literature
    23 January 2017

    1.Ottava Rima - a form of poetry consisting of stanzas of eight lines of ten or eleven syllables, rhyming abababcc.
    2. Quickly did the tiger begin his fast run
    Over hilly ground you see him fly and leap
    The passive prey laying grazing in the sun
    Suddenly its life that it wanted to keep
    Tiger pounces, quickly getting the job done
    The prey collapsing in a really big heap
    Tiger sleeps as night takes over from the day
    Will we ever see the hunter become prey?
    3. This form helps reinforce the meaning by showing the fun on certain lines and the work that needs to be done in others.

    1. Double-Dactyl-This one is normally reserved for nonsense verse. 8 lines, all consisting of two dactyls (hence the name). Line 1 is a nonsense word (such as "higgledy-piggledy"), line 2 is someone's name, line 6 is a single six-syllable word, and lines 4 and 8 rhyme
    2. Oracle boracle
    Person Historical
    Tales allegorical
    If they will fit

    Thusly redacted rhetorical wit
    3. This form helps reinforce the meaning by using stressed and unstressed syllables.

  22. TaTyana Carter
    AP Literature
    23 January 2017

    1.Clerihew-Named after its inventor, this is a four-line poem rhymed aabb; its first line is the name of the subject of the poem, it often breaks into two sentences at the end of the second line, and the rhythm tends to be entertainingly irregular.

    2.Humphry Davy
    Abominated gravy.
    He lived in the odium
    Of having discovered sodium.
    -Nicolas Bentley

    3. Clerihew is used to mainly poke fun at people, mainly famous people. In this case Sir. Humphry Davy is the subject of the poem. The form of the poem makes fun of how he discovered sodium.

    1.Ottava Rima-A stanza form often used for longer poems, most famously in Byron's 'Don Juan', consisting of eight lines, usually in iambic pentameter, rhymed abababcc.

    2.I want a hero: an uncommon want, (a)

    When every year and month sends forth a new one, (b)
    Till, after cloying the gazettes with cant, (a)
    The age discovers he is not the true one; (b)
    Of such as these I should not care to vaunt, (a)
    I’ll therefore take our ancient friend Don Juan— (b)
    We all have seen him, in the pantomime, (c)
    Sent to the devil somewhat ere his time. (c)
    – Don Juan, Canto the First, Stanza I
    Continuous Form Poem
    Eleven years
    Of school and work
    And never have I
    Been so overworked.
    Piles on Piles of
    Work, work, work
    Explanation: I chose continuous from because I love how the sentences run over the lines. The form reinforces the meaning because it gives emphasis of all the work I have. In lines 5-6 “piles on piles” and “work, work, work” being on two separate lines emphasize how much work there is and also how much needs to be done. Also, in the first line the “Eleven years’ being on its own line emphasizes how long i have been doing all of this work.

  23. Kayla Durden
    AP Literature
    23 January 2017

    Clerihew- a short comic or nonsensical verse, typically in two rhyming couplets with lines of unequal length and referring to a famous person.

    Original Poetry and Photograph by Leona J. Atkinson ©2016

    This form of poetry is good at using multiple descriptors to reinforce the idea of the subject in the poem

    -Form type 2

    Ottava rima- a form of poetry consisting of stanzas of eight lines of ten or eleven syllables, rhyming abababcc

    Posted by katelyn watson

    This form uses a strict rhyme pattern and stays consistent to the central idea to get the idea the poet is trying to enforce across to the reader.

    This thing is broken falling more into decay.
    It molds and rots more and more day by day.
    It so dearly wish it had not had to be this way.
    But it is this way and it becomes clearer day by day.
    It was fun while bit lasted and now i just wish to move past it.
    I’m done and finished ready to put this into the casket.

    I chose this form because it was different than what i was used to. I typically use free verse poetry with no consistent rhyme pattern or fixed form. The continued end rhyme in this poem makes the point of putting something behind more more emphasized and stresses the point of this particular thing once being fun and exciting is now broken beyond repair and putting it away is what the poet wants to do and thinks is the only way out

    1. The end rhyme scheme and fixed form of the poem truly enhances the meaning and aids in emphasizing meaning. For instance, the repetition of the ending consonant sounds (consonance) "decAY" .. "dAY" .. "wAY" .. then "dAY" again help the audience see how the speaker is gradually dying day by day, minute by minute, second by second; this is a constant deterioration as made clear in how you structured the poem. This piece is great!

  24. I see a fat bee
    I hope it does not see me
    The fat bee stings me
    I chose this form because it follows a simple 5-7-5 syllable scheme.The structure helps shows how simple it is to talk about something so small only using 3 lines and a certain number of syllables.

    1. i like this poem i would just like to know what form??

    2. I think this poem is amusing because every time people see bees they always hope the bee won't sting them, but in this poem the person has bad luck and gets stung by the fat bee

  25. Dominick Mackerl
    AP LIT and composition
    January 23, 2017

    1. CLERIHEW: Named after its inventor, this is a four-line poem rhymed aabb; its first line is the name of the subject of the poem, it often breaks into two sentences at the end of the second line, and the rhythm tends to be entertainingly irregular.
    2. Winnie the Pooh by Courtney Carlson
    Winnie the Pooh
    What does he do?
    I wish I had as much money
    As Pooh has honey.
    3. The poet wrote this poem in a clerihew because the last lines help you better understand the intentions of the speaker. The intention of the speaker is to have as much money as Poo has honey. In a clerihew the first line develops the subject of the poem, the second line develops the relationship or creates a sense of mystery, the poem comes together in the last two lines declaring the speakers intentions. A clerihew does not fallow a set meter.
    Dominkus the GREAT
    He killed your evil mate?
    He wants to conquered your house.
    So that YOU will rot all alone with a mouse.
    In this poem establish the subject in the first line, in the second I created the relationship between Dominkus and the person who’s mate got killed. In the last two lines I establish Dominkus intention to kill the evil that is left in the house hold by conquering them.

  26. Dominick Mackerl
    AP LIT and composition
    January 23, 2017

    1. CLERIHEW: Named after its inventor, this is a four-line poem rhymed aabb; its first line is the name of the subject of the poem, it often breaks into two sentences at the end of the second line, and the rhythm tends to be entertainingly irregular.
    2. Winnie the Pooh by Courtney Carlson
    Winnie the Pooh
    What does he do?
    I wish I had as much money
    As Pooh has honey.
    3. The poet wrote this poem in a clerihew because the last lines help you better understand the intentions of the speaker. The intention of the speaker is to have as much money as Poo has honey. In a clerihew the first line develops the subject of the poem, the second line develops the relationship or creates a sense of mystery, the poem comes together in the last two lines declaring the speakers intentions. A clerihew does not fallow a set meter.
    Dominkus the GREAT
    He killed your evil mate?
    He wants to conquered your house.
    So that YOU will rot all alone with a mouse.
    In this poem establish the subject in the first line, in the second I created the relationship between Dominkus and the person who’s mate got killed. In the last two lines I establish Dominkus intention to kill the evil that is left in the house hold by conquering them.

  27. Makayla Booker
    Ms. Nicholson
    AP Literature
    Named after its inventor, this is a four-line poem rhymed aabb; its first line is the name of the subject of the poem, it often breaks into two sentences at the end of the second line, and the rhythm tends to be entertainingly irregular.
    Garfield the cat
    On his rear he sat.
    Eating lasagna galore
    All about the decor.
    Tis form helps the audience to get the main idea within a short amount of lines and syllables. The poem is short, sweet, and straight to the point.

    This one is normally reserved for nonsense verse. 8 lines, all consisting of two dactyls (hence the name). Line 1 is a nonsense word (such as "higgledy-piggledy"), line 2 is someone's name, line 6 is a single six-syllable word, and lines 4 and 8 rhyme.
    Basketball limerick
    A basket ball player with bounce
    Said, “All my opponents I'll trounce.”
    But thanks to a gale
    He fell on his tail,
    And off in a huff he'd to flounce!
    The structure helps us to to easily identify the topic and helps us get the tone of it through who is speaking, what they are saying and the meaning behind what they say.
    Hide in the shadows

    The lies are never to be shown

    The disguise never known

    I chose a fixed poem because you can get a number of interpretations within the restrictions of expectations. People normally associate fixed poem with having certain restrictions on what we can or can't put, so I thought that it would be interesting to write a poem that allows me to do so little but have such a powerful meaning, that can have multiple interpretations. With this poem one can perceive it as being a monster of some sorts, but the way I see it is as someone hiding themselves, hiding under a disguise, and with this poem I made it so that it can mean different things for different people .

    1. The use of the fix form for your poem really allows the reader to openly interpret it anyway they want. On the surface level it seems simple but when looked at on a deeper level it can apply to many people's experiences in life, making your poem easy for an individual to relate to.

  28. DaeQuan Pointer
    AP Literature
    Ms Nicholson
    23 January 2017

    This one is normally reserved for nonsense verse. 8 lines, all consisting of two dactyls. Line 1 is a nonsense word, line 2 is someone's name, line 6 is a single six-syllable word, and lines 4 and 8 rhyme.
    2. The naughty, naughty schoolboy by Alex Williams
    3. The author of the poem uses double dactyl to emphasize the nonsense of the diction and the randomness of the whole thing.

    This can be of any length; it is a poem of four-line stanzas, in which the second and fourth lines of one stanza become the first and third of the next. The last stanza's second and fourth lines can be the first and third of the first stanza, either reversed or not, which locks the poem into a circle of repetitions or, as the poet Marilyn Hacker says, "until it ends up with its tail in its mouth".
    2. Sun shines on the righteous by Andrea Dietrich
    3. The poet uses pantoum to demonstrate a continuous cycle of good dying off while evil spreads, while supporting her reason as to why it's good for good to die young.

  29. Saige McGinnis
    AP Literature
    Ms Nicholson
    23 January, 2017

    An acrostic poem is a type of poetry where the first, last or other letters in a line spell out a particular word or phrase. The most common and simple form of an acrostic poem is where the first letters of each line spell out the word or phrase.

    Floating, falling, leaves are flying,
    All around, like trees are crying,
    Love the cool winds autumn blows,
    Last laughing rose before it snows...


    Terza Rima
    Is a rhyme scheme that uses tercets and an interlocking pattern of rhymes (aba bcb cdc ded and so on). Traditionally, a poem in terza rima ends with either a rhyming couplet or a single line that rhymes with the second line of the second-to-last stanza (e.g., ded ee or ded e).

    (A) New life begins to spring to life in spring
    (B) Green shoots appear in the April showers
    (A) Birds migrate back home and rest tired wings

    (B) Summer brings green fields full of bright flowers
    (C) Paddling pools and ice creams all around
    (B) The sun shines fiercely with all its powers

    (C) Autumn sends leaves tumbling to the ground
    (D) The sun sinks lower leaving longer nights


  30. Saige McGinnis
    AP Literature
    Ms. Nicholson
    23 January, 2017

    Created Poem:

    Seeing everything that happens in this world
    Amazes me.
    Inside but wanting to
    Get out

    I chose this poem form because it is the poem form that I'm familiar with and its a poem form I've been practicing for years. This poem form can really explain how I'm feeling even thought its short.

    1. I really like your poem it shows how u are struggling to get through all the walls that are trapping you inside with room to breathe and no way to get out. you continue to try to make it

    2. I love your poem for two reasons, first your poem contains personal experience and to me that's very creative, and second this is universal to all shy people in the world, because all shy people say "I will eventually come out of my shell." I really love your poem

  31. Gabrielle Gousman
    AP Literature and Composition
    23 January, 2017

    Double- Dactyl: This one is normally reserved for nonsense verse. 8 lines, all consisting of two dactyls (hence the name). Line 1 is a nonsense word (such as "higgledy-piggledy"), line 2 is someone's name, line 6 is a single six-syllable word, and lines 4 and 8 rhyme.

    2. Higgledy piggledy,
    Benjamin Harrison,
    Twenty-third president
    Was, and, as such,

    Served between Clevelands and
    Save for this trivial
    Didn't do much.
    John Hollander
    3. The double dactyl in this poem helps the tone be more casual and sing-songy but it also shows how simpleness of his term.
    Clerihew: Named after its inventor, this is a four-line poem rhymed aabb; its first line is the name of the subject of the poem, it often breaks into two sentences at the end of the second line, and the rhythm tends to be entertainingly irregular.
    Sir Christopher Wren
    Said, "I am going to dine with some men.
    If anyone calls
    Say I am designing St. Paul's."[1]
    Edmund Clerihew Bentley.
    3. In this poem it uses a set rhyme scheme making it lyrical, and humorous inferring the playful tone of the poem.

    My Best friend
    My Best friend,
    Well what can I say, she annoys me
    In every possible way,

    Although without her
    I’m lost,
    So I suppose our friendship
    Is worth the cost

    I know she’s always here
    For me,
    And knowing that helps
    Me to see,

    That we are truly meant
    To be.
    My poem is in Continuous form. The first stanza is about my best friends bad qualities and the bad things about our relationship. While the second stanza talks about the importance of our relationship. Then continues on into stanzas three and four.

    1. The poem sounds so cute! The form that you've used helps to enhance what you're trying to say, and it made it flow very well.

    2. Aww goals this poem definitely define all best friends bad/good qualities and what they are made for.Love it

    3. This poem helps the readers better understand you and the person you are. this poem is beautiful and i love the message you sent.

    4. This poem is very true to our generation. The continuous form helps to display how the negative aspects of a friendship is out weighed by the positive aspects of it, making that friend worth keeping in the end. No relationship in general is perfect and you truly showed that with this poem, which makes it very relatable and easy to understand. This poem is great.

    5. Why did you choose continuous form, and how do you think that this particular form helped the poem? Nice poem by the way. 🙂


  32. Deveyon Blacknell

    Ap lit

    Ms Nicholson



    1).Form Type #1: Clerihew :typically 4 lines with two rhyming couplets referring to a famous person

    2).Poem example and source:

    Garfield the cat

    On his rear he sat

    Eating lasagna galore

    All about decor

    3).How does the poem reinforce the meaning: the poet used the form because garfield isn't that much to talk about he loves lasagna and he was lazy. That was a short Quick way to describe him typically Garfield is supposed to be famous.


    1).form type #1:Terza Rima :An arrangment of triplets, that Rhyme aba bcb cdc

    2).poem examples and source :Faith is the glue that holds our lives together,
    Faith gives us roots that we may withstand trials
    Through dark of night and wind and stormy weather.

    Faith comes into our lives and sin beguiles,
    To glory over Satan and his wiles.

    A firm belief will overpow’r frustration
    When life hands us more pain than we can handle,
    And, at the end, faith will be our salvation.

    So live your life in faith bright as a candle,
    Oh let it glow, its flicker not abating,
    And let there be no hint of sin or scandal.

    For He who died for us in Heaven is waiting
    With open arms, in faith, no hesitating.

    3).how does the poet reinforce the meaning: the poem had a religious meaning for having faith and they used the form by using rhymes inside of rhymes, to rhyme with the next stanza.


    His number was twenty three

    He inspired a lot of people , even me

    He played for the bulls

    And told me to stay in school and follow the rules

    A famous person i chose was Michael jordan and he was someone that did a lot. He was a leader to the youth and inspired a lot of people that's why i gave my own reference. The form wasn't complicated or hard to type and easy to get my point across And i wanted talk about my favorite basketball player.


  33. Dayonna Stitt
    AP Literature
    23 January 2017

    Fixed Form: Acoustic

    A collection of colors
    Resonating together
    To create a picture.

    I chose the fixed form acoustic because it can appeal to all ages, and it looks inviting. The acoustic form expands, or creates a bigger picture, to the overall meaning of the poem. It’s easier to express the message that I’m trying to say.

    1. I like how your poem is straight to the point.

    2. I like how the poem gives a definition of art using the actual word itself

  34. Te’kiya Jackson
    Ap Literature and Composition
    Never will i back down without a fight
    Everything may go wrong but, i will never
    Victory only comes to those who never give up
    Eventually i will get what i fought for
    Reality is i will never back down without a fight
    Acrostic: An acrostic poem is when certain letters in each line spells out a word or phrase. 1st letter in lines give a message.
    My poem is an acrostic i choose this type of poem because it can enforce something by putting a word for u to mainly focus on. I like that it focus on one topic and to me it gives the word a deeper meaning. And i like that the poem doesn’t have to rhyme like all the rest of the poems well at least some of them.

  35. Ashley Johnson*
    Ap Literature and Composition 3rd
    Ms. Nicholson
    23 January 2017

    Free Verse- It has limitations of regular meter or rhythm and it doesn’t rhyme.Since it doesn’t follow the meter it still allow poets to use artistic expression.That way you can shape your own in the poem.And to get the full effect also, we can still use alliteration.So basically free verse doesnt follow the rules.
    After the Sea-Ship by Walt Whitman
    After the Sea-Ship—after the whistling winds;
    After the white-gray sails, taut to their spars and ropes,
    Below, a myriad, myriad waves, hastening, lifting up their necks,
    Tending in ceaseless flow toward the track of the ship:
    Waves of the ocean, bubbling and gurgling, blithely prying,
    Waves, undulating waves—liquid, uneven, emulous waves,
    Toward that whirling current, laughing and buoyant, with curves,
    Where the great Vessel, sailing and tacking, displaced the surface;

    Free verse reinforce its meaning by letting poets write an artistic expression.
    Lyrical- It allows poets to describe about their innermost feelings or candid observations and evokes musical qualities.
    James DeFord
    Italian Sonnet by James DeFord, written in 1997:
    Turn back the heart you've turned away
    Give back your kissing breath
    Leave not my love as you have left
    The broken hearts of yesterday
    But wait, be still, don't lose this way
    Affection now, for what you guess
    May be something more, could be less
    Accept my love, live for today.

    Lyrical poetry reinforces its meaning by knowing what the poet is feeling.
    You can abuse me and lie to me
    It won’t change who you are to me
    You are still the love of my life
    The one that I will always love
    And the one who will cry when I’m gone
    The one everyone would suspect killed me
    The one who goes to jail for my death you abused
    I chose to write a lyrical poem to express a wife/girlfriend perspective of being abused verbally or physically and they finally killed themselves leaving people thinking who did it.

  36. Dive.
    Dive deep.
    Search complete.
    Ponder and keep
    what you dove; you dove deep.

    I chose this stanzaic form of poetry for this poem because I feel that it brings out the curious tone of the poem. “Dive”, “Search”, and “Ponder” are all commands. In putting them in stanzas, along with the periods, these otherwise normal words become calls to action that encourage the audience to explore the world around them, search and dig deep for the answers to their questions or wonders and don’t immediately dismiss what they may consider as “crazy”. The whole point behind the poem is to show people that, often times, the only limit we have is ourselves. Instead of addressing our fears and inquiries, some shy back feeling that it could just be them or that what they are thinking is sheer ridiculousness. But even how brief the poem is goes to show how really simple it actually is for one to use the resources at their disposal; just do it! Many would be amazed at what they could find.

    1. I really like how you worded the poem. I kind of interpreted the poem somewhat as you did but I saw it more as if someone is searching for something that brings the happiness, pursues it, and then achieves it, never letting it go.

    2. I 100% agree with the fact that this style of poetry brings out curious thoughts about the allegory behind the poem, especially if your person who loves poetry and is a deep thinker.

  37. Martell Walker
    Ms. Nicholson
    23 Jan. 17

    Luminous in the night sky
    Igniting the bright flames of the bonfire
    Glistening in sparkling fireworks
    Heating up my face, don’t stand to close
    Toffee apples,marshmallows,sticky and delicious.

    Explanation: I chose to write a Acrostic style poem, because it’s a very universal style that anyone can accomplish or grasp the idea or meaning of the poem pretty quickly. For example, my poem contains a bonfire,fireworks,toffee apples, and marshmallows. These are keywords that reinforce the meaning of the poem, which is clearly a campfire.
