Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Evaluating Poetry: 3 types of Verse

Welcome to your second blog post! Follow the steps below in order.

1. In addition to evaluation poetry based on the 3 questions we discussed yesterday, we also have to evaluate it for what it is and is meant to be (after all this is a part of purpose). What I mean by "what it is meant to be" is the type of poem it is that includes form (what we have discussed already) and verse (what we will research today.
2. Define verse for poetry do enough research so that you fully understand this term.
3. There are 3 different types of verse we will look into: didactic, sentimental, and rhetorical. Take notes in your notebook on the 3 types use this prezi to help, or other sources listed here for more information.
4. Find an example of each type of verse, explain the function the verse plays in the evaluation of each poem. This should like 3 different poems (with source included) and a brief explanation 2-3 sentences for each poem as to how the verse contributes to the purpose/function of the poem. 
5. Connect yesterday to today: how does the type of verse contribute to the level of merit of a poem? This poem is based upon the information you gathered today and yesterday. Use evidence to support your opinion. 
*You can read  critics/poets opinion on the topic here: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poetrymagazine/articles/detail/68755
6. Read through 2 of your peer's posts. Any additional information they have and you missed add to your own notes. then respond to their answer to task #5. Feel free to respectively disagree, and push each other's thinking on the evaluation of poetry. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Johnathon Taylor
    Ap Lit-Comp-2nd Hour
    What is a verse?
    A verse is a collection of metrical rhymes of poetry. It usually contains rhythm, rhyme and pattern. A v erse is usually refered to a single line of poetry.
    Didactic Poetry: a poem who’sn primary purpose is to teach or preach.
    Recipe For Heavenly Destination

    To get to Heaven
    And stay with Christ
    Follow this recipe
    And his face you will see

    Love your neighbor
    Love everyman
    Spread the love as much as you can

    Talk to the Lord
    Show Him you care
    With Him your feelings and worries share

    Follow his teachings
    Follow his way
    Wherever he goes, follow you may

    Lead the ones who don't see
    Lead the ones that don't feel the love
    Lead them to the Lord above
    We can tell that the the purpose of this poem is to talk about God. The didactic verse of this poem is perfect in the sense that it helps the author accomplish what he was trying to do. It helps the speaker talk about and preach the word of God.

    The didactic verse of this poem gives this poem a lot of merit in the sense that it accomplishes what it set out to do. This poem set out to preach about God and that is what it does.

    Rhetorical Verse: this form of poem deals in generalities and usually uses a language more beautiful than it substance warrants

    Mating the Soul.
    Uncommon me
    with rhetoric and fancy shoes.

    Uncommon me
    for what else do I have to lose?

    Uncommon zeal
    and half an ounce of courage too-

    Uncommon me
    and certainly, uncommon you.
    This poem deals in the generality that poetry does not have to be fancy and rhetorical; however, the fact that the poet uses a rhetoric verse style builds an ironic effect. I do not believe that this poem has any merit because of its ironic effect. Picture this the pot says a good poem does not need to have rhetoric or be fany but uses a rhetoic poem.

    Sentimentality verse: indulgence in emotion for emotion’s sake or expression of more emotion than an occassion warrants

    I wish you were here
    I'd hold you in my arms
    And if you were near
    I'd smile all the time

    So lonely without you
    The days are dragging on
    This poem’s overall message is that the speaker wishes his/her lover was in the arms of the speaker. So, we know this poem’s verse is that of a sentimentality verse. This poem does not obtain a lot of merit because it uses such simple language and it does not really express the longing of a lover want to be with his/her lover. The language needs to be more romantic and there is no real structure form like an English sonnet that would give it more of a romantic edge.

    1. Using sentimental poetry, was it easy for you to figure out the message?

    2. Yes it was easy for me to find sentimentality poetry because it's emotion. And when reading you look for the situation in the poem of causing a heartbreak or any type of feelings for example "Death"

  3. Dio’yanay Hicks
    AP Literature
    31 January 2017

    Didactic Poetry:
    Example: September By: Joanne Kyger
    The didactic poetry role in this poem is allowing us to see the moral and provides us with knowledge of skills. It conveys a clear purpose to us readers.

    Sentimental Poetry:
    Example: Sentimental Atom Smash By:Darcie Dennigan
    The sentimental poetry role in this poem is allowing us to figure out the emotions throughout the poem. The sentimental poetry put the emotion right out there, instead of making the readers read in between the lines. You will also be able to figure out the emotion through the tone.

    Rhetorical Poetry:
    Example: Requiescat By: Matthew Arnold
    The rhetorical poetry role in this poem uses a more advanced level of language. The diction is high and formal. The rhetorical allows the readers to read in between the lines because it does not come straight forward about the message.

    This type of verse contribute to the level of merit because the poems have a meaning or purpose, not saying that all poems do not have a meaning. The overall point is that the poems follows the 3 major questions. The 3 major questions were: 1.What is the central purpose. 2. How fully has this purpose been accomplished? 3. How important is this purpose? Those 3 questions help us find the purpose and allows us to determine if a poem had a good level of merit.

    1. I also agree with your idea of the merit of a poem.

  4. Dimetrius Poston
    AP Eng Lit Comp
    Ms. Nicholson
    31 January 2017

    4A: Sentimentality: http://www.poetrysoup.com/poem/a_spell_of_love_868955
    A Spell of Love
    Desire afire,
    passions pulsating;
    ardour, fervour

    Inflamed frenzy,
    fervid fierenzy;
    impetuous emotion,
    devoted devotion.

    Sentimental and sensuous,
    animated oscilation;
    the rapture so personal,
    a passion so natural.
    By Brian Strand

    Sentimentality is used primarily to stimulate emotions. The words used are emotionally fused, and add to the passion of the poem, the meaning of love.

    4B: Rhetorical: http://www.poetrysoup.com/poem/a_21st_century_poet_847516
    A 21st Century Poet
    No longer submerged in seduction of a lover's tongue
    left hanging out where no word is sung
    defunct of function or fancy form
    lost are the layers gradually getting you warm

    Here and now before thoughts do pass
    free flowing spewing out too fast
    rhythm and rhyme left to chance
    sterile simplicity caught in a trance

    In a world caught up in instant gratification
    what is the satisfaction
    if feelings don't play a part
    in your poetic art

    A 21st century poet I heard him say
    unrefined rhetoric put on display
    By Tim Smith

    Rhetorical verse is used to hide behind your true feelings while also expressing how you feel without expressing your emotions explicitly. Paired with an english sonnet, the use of rhetorical verse reinforces this poem’s meaning in a satirical manner, that poetry is free, no longer bound to fanciful terms.

    4C: Didactic: http://www.poetrysoup.com/poem/the_problem_with_perfection_869575
    The Problem with Perfection
    While the rest of the world sees an elegant marble bust,
    Close beloved ones see a pile of pitiful rubble,
    Perfection is nothing but an elaborate illusion,
    We must accept we are nothing but dust,
    Openly reveal and accept our own vulnerability
    Then we are free to break free from our bubble.

    "Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground..." —Genesis 2:7
    By Kim Bond

    Didactic verse poetry is used to teach/preach. The use of didactic verse in this poem makes it clear that the narrator is trying to get a point across that they are vehement about, namely that we arose from dust and will return to dust, and nothing can change the fact that we are dust.

    5. The type of verse connects to how the purpose of the poem is accomplished. They help answer the question of what the purpose is by the type of verse. If it is to tell someone something, or to convince them of something, a didactic poem is suggested. If the poem is to talk about something emotionally meaningful, a sentimental poem is suggested. To talk about something you don't particularly agree with and would wish to express so in a way that doesn’t so blatantly state that, or if you just want to be funny, a rhetorical verse poem is suggested.

    1. I like how you used a bible verse to show an example of didactic.

    2. i agree with dimetrius because the type of verse does matter to an extent but the type of verse does not matter because I believe that a purpose is accomplished if it does what it is suppoed to do.

    3. The bible is a good example to use but my question is how do you think you use didactic in everyday life ?

    4. While I agree with your answer, I would like to push your thoughts on if you determine verse before writing a poem, or while in the act of doing so.

    5. i do not have a personal example because i do not go around teaching/preaching. but, have you ever been to church? each and every one of pastor's sermon is didactic. the teachers use didactic everyday when they teach. because didactic is teaching.

    6. what do you mean Chrissy? challenge me how? and thanks. Dio'yi

  5. SO, What?
    Neither of the three styles has more merit than the other. The verse is how the purpose of the poem is going to be told. A rhetorical verse poem can contain more merit than a didactic verse poem and vise versa. The way that a poet utilizes the form to convey a poem’s message is what makes a poem have a certain level of merit. Many critics believe that a poem has to be sentimental but the fact is that is just not true.The sentimental poem that I chose and analyzed did not have as much merit as the one I did for didactic in the fact that the didactic fully accomplished its goal to preach to us to god where as the sentimental poem just failed its expectations with bland diction and an unfixed form to talk about longing for someone. So like I stated previously the type of verse does not matter how it is utilized does.

    1. Sorry, Johnny Boy, I disagree. Type of verse does matter. You can't use rhetorical verse when you are seriously trying to get a point across or if your intended audience is very literal. A didactic verse would work better. So, depending on HOW you want your purpose achieved, the type of style DOES matter.

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    Torria​ ​Jackson

    First​ ​Love
    Related​ ​Poem​ ​Content​ ​Details
    BY​ ​​JAN​ ​OWEN

    The​ ​function​ ​the​ ​verse​ ​Sentimentality​ ​plays​ ​in​ ​the​ ​evaluation​ ​of​ ​the​ ​poem​ ​because​ ​it​ ​has​ ​emotion.
    The​ ​emotion​ ​is​ ​how​ ​the​ ​author​ ​Jan​ ​Owen​ ​explains​ ​how​ ​she​ ​met​ ​her​ ​first​ ​love​ ​&​ ​how​ ​she​ ​had​ ​fell
    for​ ​him​ ​including​ ​years​ ​later​ ​she​ ​married​ ​him.

    The​ ​Death​ ​of​ ​Allegory
    Related​ ​Poem​ ​Content​ ​Details

    The​ ​poem​ ​contributes​ ​to​ ​the​ ​purpose​ ​of​ ​Rhetorical​ ​because​ ​it’s​ ​language​ ​is​ ​more​ ​high​ ​flown.​ ​The
    author​ ​uses​ ​words​ ​such​ ​as​ ​“condominiums”​ ​&​ ​“Constancy”.​ ​It’s​ ​structure​ ​being​ ​used​ ​is​ ​more​ ​in

    Your​ ​Blackberry​ ​is​ ​a​ ​Poem

    This​ ​poem​ ​relates​ ​back​ ​to​ ​it’s​ ​purpose​ ​and​ ​function​ ​because​ ​it​ ​has​ ​no​ ​meaning.​ ​I​ ​wouldn’t​ ​say
    meaning​ ​it​ ​only​ ​explains​ ​the​ ​basic​ ​conducts​ ​of​ ​having​ ​a​ ​phone​ ​and​ ​what​ ​comes​ ​with​ ​it.

  7. Christian Brown
    AP Lit.
    31 January 2017

    Knowing that didactic is to preach or teach a message, the use of this in this poem is good to explain the message of how separation amongst us humans is bad. It also helps the poem’s function by giving it a natural chronological order to follow.

    The use of sentimental helps contribute stimulate the emotion of love. It does this through a narrative almost which makes the sentimental a stronger at the end with the death of one of the lovers.

    The use of over-flown language helps to influence the poems whimsical language. Thus aiding in the poem’s message of the star being exuberant and magical.

    5. Seeing as how verse is a more advanced poetic device, just using it won’t credit any merit, but using it effectively would seeing as how to this shows some kind of advanced poetic understanding. Using it’s different subdivisions all have different requirements, but correct use of them all individual or whole, all credit some kind of merit. Such as if you use didactic, to explain a teching without just stating it is a task, while also doing so in a poem is even more a challenge, so being able to do so effectively (most important part) indefinitely rewards some merit. Overall being able to effectively use even one or more kinds of verse deserve some kind of merit to the author.

    1. I agree with your perspective on merit, but what do you mean by "correct use"?

    2. I agree with your idea of the merit of a poem.

    3. I noticed that you didn't really add a lot about emotion, specifically, so do you think that emotions aren't a major part of poetic merit.

  8. -Sentimentality poem
    The poem expresses her feelings about her mother and how her father deal, in an exaggerated way

    -Didactic peom
    This poem talks about teaching and has flat diction and no real emotion

    Rhetorical poem-
    The poem speaks about his lover in a good way like most would but does not say specifically that it was his lover

    The way the poets use the specific devices and connects that in some way to the human experience. The merit though can be largely influenced by the opinion and interpretation of the reader.

    1. I wholeheartedly agree with your statement. Everything is about opinion and perspective.

    2. I completely agree with the human experience and opinion.

    3. I agree with what you're saying but I didn't really see your connection between how you think the different verse work along with the overall poetic merit, if it does at?

  9. Jalen McIntosh
    Ms. Nicholson
    AP Literature & Composition
    31 January 2017

    Falling Leaves by Ralph Cheever
    The sentimental verses in this poems contribute to the purpose of the because they help to further emphasize the love between the two characters in the poem. In the poem the man tells the women that he still as much love for her even though they’ve aged.

    Didactic Poem by Robertson Sillars
    The didactic verses in this poem contributes its because this poem is preaching about the separation between humans and the price we pay for it. The didactic verses strengthens the fact that the speaker is trying to let the audience know the consequences of separation.

    Bright Star by John Keats
    The purpose of the didactic verses in this poem is that is helps to make it seem more enchanting. It sounds really please to the ears when you listen to is and that contributes to the effectiveness of the poem.

    The type of verse used in poetry evoke different emotions form the reader. Poems that are the most emotion filled typically have the most merit. I say this because more people are able to connect and relate to poems that are full of emotion. When I was reading Falling Leaves by Ralph Cheever I was more drawn into it than the other poems. The level of merit also depends on personal tastes as well.

    1. I like the way you talked about verse but I think it is much more than the emotional aspect. verse can influence the way the reader interprets the intended message of the poem. verse can also ass dimension to the poem helping the reader take it more than just on the surface level

    2. Wouldn't the rhetorical have more emotion, than the kinds of verses?

  10. Desire’ Parks
    AP Literature and Composition
    Ms. Nicholson
    31 January 2017

    1. Rhetorical- http://www.poetrysoup.com/famous/poem/the_sad_day_9312
    The author is explaining what happens in a sad day.

    Didactic- https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems-and-poets/poems/detail/45328

    Sentimentality- http://www.poetrysoup.com/famous/poem/butter_13829
    This poem expresses the author's love for butter. The poem also does not use rhyme scheme.

  11. Jaylen Williams
    AP Lit. Period 3
    Ms. Nicholson
    31 January 2017

    Sentimental Poem
    “Tears of Love” by Lin Lane. The sentimental verse plays the function of making the poem stimulate the emotions of the reader, which is primarily the goal of the poem. The poem is meant to make the reader feel pity for the person whose heart was broken. The narrator uses words such as tears and cried to incite emotion.

    2. Rhetoric Poem
    “February Rain” by Abe Lopez. The rhetoric verse plays the function in making the diction in the poem high level. The poem exaggerates the strength of the rain. The narrator uses words such as “duplicitous” to describe the “destruction” the rain caused.

    3. Didactic Poem
    “Follow Me” by Brian Strandl. The didactic verse plays the function in telling the reader what to do, or instructing. The diction is simple and there is no specific situation. The narrator doesn’t give any background info on where they are.

    4. The type of verse contributes to the level of merit because different types of verses connect with a person differently. Sentimental would have poetic merit due to the fact that poetry is all about emotion.

    1. I agree with your reason but would you happen to know more about the other two forms of verse we learned today?

    2. Rhetoric is just what it sounds like, rhetorical. it overexaggerates things. didactic is used in a teaching/preaching manner, in all seriousness.

  12. Makayla Booker
    Ms. Nicholson
    AP Literature
    Evaluating Poetry: 3 types of Verse

    Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night
    by Dylan Thomas

    Do not go gentle into that good night,
    Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
    —Saint Basil
    Ths verse sets the tone for the rest of the poem, which is that of fighting. In the first stanza it gives you a clear message for the rest of the poem, there is no discrepancy. So the didactic in the poem helps the audience to understand the whole poem.

    Take Me Back-http://www.poetrysoup.com/poems/best/sentimental
    The sentimentality reinforces the sentimentals of the poem. The poem is about the speaker wanting to go back to his old days when things were all good and to the good times. The multiple emotions within the poem helps the audience to sympathize with the speaker.

    The Wall-http://www.poetrysoup.com/poems/best/rhetoric
    The rhetorical function within the poem emphasizes the emotions associated with what the speaker thinks about Trump and his wall. The large vernacular helps to help the audience to understand to what extremities the speaker thinks.

    These functions of these various types of verses helps, in my opinion, emphasizes the merit of the poem. These different types of verses helps to connect to the more emotional side of the poem, helps the speaker the make a clear statement, especially with didactic, but also leaves it up to the reader to interpert, which also connect to the audience emotionally and mentally.

    1. Is this all you believe verse helps?

    2. what if the poem comes off with a lack of emotion, would you still consider it to have verse

    3. yeah, it just won't be sentimental, Kayla

    4. Not necessarily when it comes to your perspective on sentimental

    5. To DaeQuan Pointer
      This is just what these verses mainly do, they do have other functions but these are what they mainly do.

  13. Gabrielle Gousman
    AP Literature and Composition
    31 January, 2017

    Unspoken Wordsby Paul Callus (http://www.poetrysoup.com/poems/short/best.aspx)
    The poem “Unspoken Words”, by Paul Callus meaning is the difficulty of admitting to your feelings. The fact that it is a sentimentality poem means that the experience is not fully explained, however you still get a sense of the emotions involved.
    2. Bright Star by John Keats (http://www.poetryoutloud.org/poems-and-performance/poems/detail/44468)
    The Poem “Bright Star” by John Keats meaning is the loyalty in a relationship between lovers. Keats over explains the concept of the loyalty by comparing it to to the Steadfastness of a star. Which shows the rhetorical verse.
    3. If- by Rudyard Kipling
    The poem “If-” by Rudyard Kipling meaning is mastering or learning all contradictions of life. The poem doesn’t have a positive nor a negative tone, it just states the point of mastering all of life’s contradictions.

  14. Sentimentality
    Playing with fire by Evie Shockley

    The poem uses emotions as a sole cause of “explosive” situations, which the speaker associates the the fire that burns with blindness. The smoke it creates a place where instinct rules and snap decisions are normal, no time to think it through. This basically over uses emotion to prove the point.

    The Great Figure by William Carlos Williams

    In this poem it uses overly descriptive words for the experience the speaker is conveying. This serves a good purpose of very vivid imagery, but also can drive the readers away due to the explanation.

    An Essay on Man: Epistle I
    Related Poem Content Details by ALEXANDER POPE

    This poem attempts to teach its audience the way of thinking that speaker acknowledges and gives great consideration to the way in which it decides to persuade you that it is right. This form leads more to persuasion and storytelling than the previous two.

    The type of verse can greatly impact the meaning behind a poem, and can affect the theme and emotions conveyed to the audience. For instance the sentimentality poem is meant to convey heavy emotion and have the reader feel that emotion as well, while a rhetoric poem makes you feel the experience yourself. These traits embody a poem’s core foundations giving a poem merit.

    1. I disagree that rhetoric makes you feel it yourself because rhetoric is a general explanation basically. If it'd general it makes you look at it from everyone's perspective.

  15. Kelin West
    AP Literature
    31 January 2017


    Home Sweet Home
            Haven where solicitous parents hover
            over sick little ones and dispense advice to
            mature ones; an emotional stronghold, not merely an
            edifice one enters for physical shelter.

            Sanctuary whose personality changes
            with time, paralleling inhabitants' metamorphoses,
            embellished with evidences of the pride and sentimentality
            each possesses, those preferences each
            thrives on as part and parcel of existence.

            Houses become homes when those within love them and
            one another--nurturing, respecting, mending,
            maintaining that rapport and awareness
            essential in relationships within and beyond walls.


    Sentimentality was used in this poem by expressing the emotions of how she feels about the emotions in here. The author describes what the people in the poet are feeling.


    The Shoes of Another
    What does one do, when they feel forgotten?
    What good are tears unseen or sobs unheard
    and when the tree of liberty seems to be rotten
    because they’ve been dismissed and rejected at a word?

    What does one do, when they’re silenced
    for viewing the world through their own eyes?
    What does one do when they’re trapped and tied down
    when they’re kicked and there’s no help around?
    What does one do, when frightened?
    When chains are thrown o’er them and tightened?
    When prayers are raised but seem unheard
    when one feels abandoned and alone in the world?

    What does one do, when self-evident truths
    get wiped away in anonymous booths,
    and the winners, gloat and show no mercy
    because the people have spoken
    and whatever one does, will bring controversy
    so tell me…what does one do?

    What does one do, when threatened?
    When dismayed or betrayed and their back to the blade
    and the liberty bell is cracked, and rings no more
    at least not for them, and not on these shores,
    because for some it’s better to be right,
    then to worry for others, or to fight in their fight.

    So I ask, what does one do when singled out
    for their religion, or color or body or mind
    when the rest of the world seems so suddenly blind?
    What does one do when their neighbors turn
    an apathetic eye to the border wall
    symbolically standing as a reminder to all
    that unalienable only applies to un-aliens?
    That life, liberty and pursuit of happiness
    are not rights at all, but prizes to earn.
    You should have chosen more thoughtfully where to be born
    if you wanted rights beyond struggle and scorn.

    What does one do, when freedom’s flame dims out;
    when lady liberty gets smothered in a pompous mist?
    What does one do to pretend it’s ok
    when the rhetoric prevailing on any given day
    is a torrent of doubt about their hard-earned place
    and could orphan their children, and threatens to chase
    them all “back whence they came.”
    Tell me, from your anonymous place,
    what would you do?
    Would you peacefully sit and hope for the best,
    and put your trust in your fellow man?
    Would you “come together as one”
    with those who voted that you don’t matter?
    Would you wave freedom’s banner aloft in the breeze,
    as your freedom was being seized?
    No seriously, what would you do?


    Rhetorical was used in the poem by using vocabulary and grammar that were high quality work.

  16. Sold
    There is no difference,
    the saints whisper and every enemy and ally
    wake to forever’s difference,
    that neither knee nor tongue will deny.

    Doubt bit into Innocence and sold
    the first coffins wrapped in pride.
    Creation became a seed – a box filled twofold,
    when under silt,  Eden died.

    Secular tides engulf their last season
    to bury God and Baal,
    synthetic rainbows enlighten treason
    fulfills the fool’s tale.

    Escape suffering to bend
    love to an abstract sum.
    Detached absurdity when
    a false bliss is done.

    Not enough of Earth’s blood
    to sustain paved veins,
    a technological flood
    of isotopes and labor pains.

    Fiat economies root for
    the drug and gun,
    made the bomb’s core
    hotter than the sun.

    infusions of contraband’s revenue
    numbs the inconvenience of sin.
    A dream’s fence became headstones ensue,
    declared wars we can’t afford to win.

    Seeded skies less blue to breathe,
    the incense of death and device,
    ivory towers babel and seethe,
    lies spoil the last grains of paradise.

    One rich man though licked by the flame,
    still sees Lazarus as a servant and to those
    who tear Christ off the Cross to make him the same,
    Judas still hangs in the shadows.


    Didactic was used in the poem by explaining the “difference” and true pain.

  17. Ashley Johnson
    Ap Literature and Composition 3rd
    Ms Nicholson
    31 January 2017

    With Verse in poetry it to breaks down two or more meanings,and it's also referred to a stanza or other parts of poetry.

    There are three different types of verse used in poetry: Rhetoric- http://literarydevices.net/rhetoric/
    In this poem it emphasizes “free will” as to say free options.
    Didactic- http://www.literarydevices.com/didacticism/
    This poem is almost like an allegory giving examples from the bible.It’s easier to connect with the lesson. He gives insight of his obstacles in his journey where many people can connect.
    This poem demonstrates real foundations.In the poem she gives the different reasonings throughout the poem.Which shows true art of feelings.

  18. Dayonna Stitt
    AP Lit
    January 31, 2017

    2. Verse for Poetry is a single metrical line in a poetic composition. It is the encompass 3 possible meanings, and is often incorrectly used for referring to “poetry” in order to differentiate in from prose.

    4. Didactic -Poetry that Instructs
    SOurce: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems-and-poets/poems/detail/46473
    In this poem, the verse helps with the evaluation because of the straight forward instructions. It helps to evaluate easier, and to help evaluate that this poem is to tell his/her son is a man.

    Rhetorical- Uses glittery language
    SOurce: http://literarydevices.net/rhetoric/ John Milton’s “Paradise Lost”
    The type of verse helps because of the language, like it is persuading. In this part of the poem, it is used to persuade him to be happy by using his own free will.

    Sentimental- Emotional Attraction
    SOurce: http://www.thepoetrypad.com/love-poems/light-inside-my-heart
    This sentimental verse is used to evaluate this poem to get the idea of love across. Showing the emotional attachment of love to the lover, it gives off a feeling that many can relate to.

  19. Dayonna Stitt
    AP Lit & Comp
    January 31, 2017

    5. The type of verse brings merit to the poem by the connections that it has with the readers. They use words that can relate to the human experience- the words of persuasion, the use of instructions, and the emotional feelings.

    1. I agree, emotions are a good way to connect with the audience. If you don't really have emotions there is no true meaning behind the poem.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Tatyana Carter
    Ap Lit
    January 30,2017
    4. •Didactic-Do not stand at my grave and weep by Mary Elizabeth Frye
    The purpose is to convey to the reader that, a person who is gone is still there. The function of didactic in the poem is to give the message of although I am gone, I am not gone. The verse contributes to the purpose by conveying that message. For example, the last line not only gives the message to the reader a second time, but also accomplishes the purpose.

    •Rhetorical- The Sad Day by Thomas Flatman http://www.poetrysoup.com/famous/poem/the_sad_day_9312
    The central purpose is to convey to the reader that everyone has one of those days where they don't want to be bothered. The verse contributes to the purpose because a rhetorical verse is a general topic that talks about everyone in general. For example, the narrator talk about “he” a lot, and we don't know if this he is one person or multiple “he”s, which proves the purpose of everyone has one of those days.

    •Sentimental- One Last Poem For Richard by Sandra Cisneros http://www.poetrysoup.com/famous/poem/one_last_poem_for_richard_23148
    The purpose of the poem is to convey that although you may still love someone, you have to go your separate ways. The verse contributes to this because of the emotions put into it. For example, the narrator is sad because she still loves Richard but she can't be with him, which proves the purpose at the end of letting go of something that you love.

    5.The type of verse contributes to the level of merit a poem has because the verse adds meaning to the poem. For example, sentimental verse focuses on emotions, and all emotions have a meaning behind it. The meaning of something contributes to its purpose, which then determines if the poem has poetic merit or not.
