Sunday, February 5, 2017

Introduction to Drama

Choose 2 topics from your 'What I want to know' category on your KWHL Chart from your Do Now. The topics you choose should be bigger picture questions that you can figure out the answer to via research. In your blog post you should include the following.


1. First "What you want to know" topic.
-Why you are interested in learning more about this topic.
-What you learned about this topic.
-What sources you used to figure out this information.

2. Second 'What you want to know" topic.
-Why you are interested in learning more about this topic.
-What you learned about this topic.
-What sources you used to figure out this information.

You will share this information with the class and we will update the wall chart, so be prepared to share what you have learned whole group.


  1. Martell Walker
    06 Feb. 17

    “Where did drama originate from”

    Why am i’m interested in this question: I’m interested in this question because i want to know the very essence of drama and it’s transforming history over the centuries.

    What did I learn about this Topic: The Western dramatic tradition has its origins in ancient Greece. The precise evolution of its main divisions—tragedy, comedy, and satire—is not definitely known. According to Aristotle, Greek drama, or, more explicitly, Greek tragedy, originated in the dithyramb.Ancient musical instruments were found by archeologists can suggest how they were used, by one person or by group. The quality of music can be played with these instruments indicate how ancient people had sophisticated cultures. Imagine the ancient art in Africa, America, Asia, and Europe by watching the art of Australian aboriginal people. Of course, aboriginal art has evolved; however, it must still have the influence of the very ancient style. Then drama must began very early - even before 100,000 years ago.

  2. Johnathon Taylor
    Ap Lit/ Comp-2nd hour

    Blog Assignment

    How does Marvel adapt their cinematic screenplay?

    I am interested in this because I love Marvel movies and I have always wanted to know how they make their movies.

    We see that Marvel usually takes a series of comics and creates a comprehensive script using it. They do not always follow the comics exactly. We see this in Captain America : Civil War when they do not directly follow the series of com ics it is based on. Also, they will edit the end so that theyt can satisfy all audiences.

    Where did drama originate from?

    I love dto know more information about everything. It is great to know stuff. It is very interesting to think about where stuff came from.

    Most cite say that drama originated from Greece but it is prevelant that almost every early culture in thew world had some sorts of plays or entertainment.

  3. J’Lynn Murphy
    AP Literature and Composition
    Ms. Nicholson
    6, February 2017
    Introduction to Drama

    How was drama established and how has it grown over the years?
    I want to know this answer to this topic because I have heard so much about drama, but never really knew the history of it.
    Drama began in ancient Greece, and greek tragedy. The plays were first religious affairs with dancing and music, then a chorus came. 600-200 Bc ancient athenians created a theatre culture that lasted over 2500 years. Their plays are still considered the world’s most greatest plays. Over the years the greatest playwright has been Shakespeare, but the athenians has created 5 equally great playwrights. The theatre of ancient greece evolved from religious rites.
    2. Does drama use any literary elements/techniques?
    I want to know this because we’ve been on poetry for so long and poetry uses literary techniques and I want to know if all literature ues literary techniques.
    In drama this are called dramatic devices. Also, drama does use literary devices such as allusion, dramatic irony,imagery, foreshadowing,etc. Poetic terms used in drama are sonnet and rhyming couplet. Dramatic device is used in drama for the substitution of reality such as, acts, scenes, aside, and soliloquy. Drama also use figurative language.

  4. Dio’yanay Hicks
    AP Literature
    06 February 2017

    What is the purpose of drama?
    I am interested in learning more about this topic because drama is well-known around the world and I wanted to know what is the purpose for it.
    I learned that the purpose of drama is to provide a means to society to reflect upon itself and its belief. Drama is also a form of art and it allows addition to relaxing entertainment. Drama is a literary form designed for public presentation.
    What is the “real” meaning of drama?
    I am interested in learning more about this topic because everybody has a different meaning or background history of what the real meaning of drama.
    I learned that the real definition of drama is a story involving conflict or contrast of character. I also learned that drama is a mode of fictional representation through dialogue and performance. I learned that drama is your background knowledge. It is what you make it.


  6. “Why is drama a social and historical object”

    Why am i’m interested in this question: I want to know why so many scholars and even some teachers or mentors try and achieve social and historical objective in drama.

    What did i learn about this Topic: Where, when and how a drama is performed, promoted and received by different audiences can influence the way it is viewed and evaluated. While dramatic performances can introduce or highlight ideas, values or codes of social conduct that are particular to cultures and histories, they may or may not contain actions that can be recognised in other cultures or in other dramatic texts. Analysis of the responses audiences in contemporary cultures have to drama is often associated with the field of study called reception theory. Analysis of the responses audiences in historical cultures had to drama can often be found in studies of theatre history. Analyses of the responses non-western audiences have had to western forms of drama may also be discussed in the field of postcolonial theory.

  7. I am interested in learning about how they make special effects look real. I learned that special effects are made by Background projection, sound effects, this technique called miniature where producers shoot videos in high speed and play them back in slow motion, rear projecting for following backgrounds and for movies like jurassic park they use live action. › Videomaker Magazine › Back Issues › October 1998
    I am interested in learning about If tyler perry is the actual writer of screenwriter and playwriter of all production by him. After reading i learned that with his tramatic events he experienced as a child he grew up watching a show about child abuse and forgiveness and used it as his inspriration

  8. Saige McGinnis
    AP Literature
    7 February 2017

    What is the purpose of drama?
    I’m interested in learning more about this topic because I love watching dramas and I wanted to know what the purpose of the dramas are.
    I’ve learned that drama is the type of literature to be performed. People writing about drama has often explored how drama relates to society. Even though critics disagree about drama’s revolutionary potential, most would agree that a central purpose of drama has always been to provide a means for a society to reflect upon itself and its beliefs.

    Where did drama originate from?
    I’m interested in learning more about this topic because there are different types of dramas in each country and I wanted to know where drama originated from.
    The Western dramatic tradition has its origins in ancient Greece.

  9. Dimetrius Poston
    AP Eng Lit Comp
    Ms. Nicholson
    6 February 2017
    Introduction To Drama - Research
    1.1. What is the purpose of a monologue? Soliloquy?
    1.2. I wish to know why playwrights write monologues and soliloquies.
    1.3.1. Monologue comes from Greek word monos means alone and logos means speech. It is a literary device, which is the speech or verbal presentation that a single character presents in order to express his/her collection of thoughts and ideas aloud. Often this character addresses directly to audience or another character. The purpose of writing in monologues is to convey an idea or viewpoint through words. However, sometimes, we notice a tricky part of writer’s expression as the opinion of speaker and writer do not match because he tries to convince the audience, and may not tell the exact reality. It allows the readers to move from one character to another and have an insight into their imaginations. A monologue serves as a basic source through which writers express their emotions and thoughts.
    1.3.2. A soliloquy is a popular literary device often used in drama to reveal the innermost thoughts of a character. It is a great technique used to convey the progress of action of the play by means of expressing a character’s thoughts about a certain character or past, present or upcoming event while talking to himself without acknowledging the presence of any other person. The word soliloquy is derived from Latin word “solo” which means “to himself” and “loquor” means “I speak” respectively. A soliloquy is often used as a means of character revelation or character manifestation to the reader or the audience of the play. Due to a lack of time and space, it was sometimes considered essential to present information about the plot and to expose the feelings and intentions of the characters. Dramatists made extensive use of soliloquies in their plays but it has become outdated, though some playwrights still use it in their plays. Soliloquy examples abound during the Elizabethan era. A soliloquy in a play is a great dramatic technique or tool that intends to reveal the inner working of the character. No other technique can perform the function of supplying essential progress of the action of the story better than a soliloquy. It is used not only to convey the development of the play to the audience but also provide an opportunity to see inside the mind of a certain character.
    1.4.1. Monologue:
    1.4.2. Soliloquy:

    2.1. What is the purpose of the metaphorical “fourth wall”? Why is it “broken”?
    2.2. I wish to know what purpose the fourth wall serves if it is so commonly broken.
    2.3.1. The fourth wall is a conceptual barrier between those presenting some kind of a communication and those receiving it. The term originated in the theater, where it refers to the imaginary wall at the front of the stage separating the audience from the performers. The fourth wall, along with the sides and back of the standard stage, encloses the created world of the play. Breaking the fourth wall means doing or saying something that either explicitly or implicitly acknowledges the artificiality of the environment and the fact that both the presenters and audience are aware of that artificiality.
    2.3.2. Breaking the fourth wall often adds a comedic element to the play, as in Deadpool and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.
    2.4.1. Fourth Wall definition/purpose:

  10. Anthony Pickens
    AP Literature and Composition

    Topic: The origin of comedy and its evolution

    I’m interested in learning about this topic because comedy is my favorite genre and i want to know how this came into effect.
    The origin of comedy came from the “dialogue of the fertility rites of the feast of the greek god Dionysus” Some of comedy came from the plays of Aristophanes.
    17 century : English aka sentimental comedy which creates sadness then creates comic relief.
    18 century: Satirical origin from sheridan plays.
    19 century: after almost falling, It was brought back to people’s attention by the comedic actions of Oscar Wilde.


    Topic: how does monologue work?
    A character speaks in long speech as if it was a conversation between two people

  11. Dayonna Stitt
    Ap Lit & Comp
    February 6, 2017

    1.When and how did drama begin?
    -I am interested in this topic because of how great drams has become over the generations.
    -It started in Ancient Greece. At the start of the making of plays, They were based off of religious affairs. They included music and dance. A playwright by the name of Aeschylus, had invented what we called drama, and had two actors and a chorus. Records begin in 501 BC.

    2. What type of influences does drama have?
    Drama can either be a good influence, or a bad one, depending on how the person views it. ANd I’m interested on how people see it.
    It’s mostly about the shape of the stage. The difference in the stage can determine the physical relationship between the audience and actors. It determines the kind of communication.

  12. Deveyon Blacknell
    Ap literature
    Ms Nicholson

    What are the thing that make drama, what is drama
    -I really wanted to know about the topic because i'm really unsure how it can be different types of drama. I often see plays and movies and skits but not really sure how to identify how plays and movies are different
    - I found out that theatre has 4 basic elements. The Product, The Audience,The Script, The Process.What really makes the difference between plays and movies and skits is that movies setting and audience is different and movies are mainly made after plays.
    What is the origins of Drama/theatre and why was it made
    -i really wanted to understand the reason of why drama is the way it is. And also wanted to see was it different, was there any types of changes made from the start and if so what were they
    -i found out that drama goes all the way bay to the Greek and Roman times with the gods but it was used to please the gods and in the honor for some of the gods. Back then it was used more for amusement and later on around in the late 16th century and early 17th century William Shakespeare really picked it up and started using theatre and plays strongly and made it popular still to this day

  13. Nikala McKinney
    AP Literature and Composition
    6 February 2017

    1)What is the importance of drama in society?
    I am interested in this topic because i want to know why people find drama so important. We base our lives around drama with movies, television shows, and even in everyday life. Drama has such a major impact on society and I’ve always been curious about why.

    Drama is important to society because it helps people express themselves through different characters, without having to change themselves as a person. Since drama is associated with books, movies and other things, people feel that we are able to express ourselves better with fictional characters from our imagination. We can do things in drama that we can’t do in real life. Drama is a way of being free.

    2) How is modern drama different from classical drama?
    I am curious about this because our drama today seems to be who can get into the most fights, or who has the most stressful problems. Classical dramas use to bring up problems and how we can resolve them. They actually had a purpose and a meaning. We have to remake classical dramas these days because we can’t seem to be creative enough to come up with some on our own. Drama these days just doesn’t make sense.

    Modern drama is different than classical drama in many ways. Classical drama prosed a question and ended with philosophical thoughts and solutions while also getting a deep meanoing across. Modern drama is more about reviews and who can get the most followers. The meaning is often lost in the story and it’s mostly used to keep up with popular trends in society.

  14. 1. What is the importance of drama.
    This is interesting because I would love to know if this is useful for anything long term.
    There is a Chinese proverb that says: “Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I will remember. Involve me and I will understand.
    Dramas affect the problem solving abilities of the audience and actors. With the conflicts that arise in a drama the solutions that go with them can be out the box theories or expected outcomes. Also drama reflects the real world giving room for “experimentation” to find the results to certain choices, you’ll learn what to do and what you might not want to do.

    2. Can you classify drama as negative or positive, or can it be something else.
    Drama is normally given a negative connotation but could there be something else
    The definition of drama is a play or emotional events, no where in this does it say whether it has to be good or bad. Just a little push back or some fun. Drama cannot be classified as negative or positive only as drama

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  16. Jaylen Williams
    6 February 2017
    Ms. Nicholson
    AP Literature

    How does drama reflect society?

    I am interested in finding out how drama reflects society because the way some things happen in life feel as if it was adapted from a play or movie.
    Drama reflects society because society tries to imitate drama. Many people watch movies, tv shows, plays, etc. After we watch these things it is normal for us to want to be something that we saw. We also want to portray ourselves like the celebrities we see on tv and in movies. Drama doesn’t imitate life and society, life and society imitates drama.

    How does Boyz N’ The Hood represent black on black gun violence today?

    I am interested in finding this out because there are a lot of crime movies that portray gun violence among young African American men.
    Boyz N’ The Hood represents black gun violence today in a chilling way. Young black men today kill each other over territory, where someone lives, and who they are friends with. Instead of coming together, we tear each other down, sometimes hurting innocent people.

  17. Jalen McIntosh
    Ms. Nicholson
    AP Literature & Composition
    6 February 2017

    What are the origins of thriller drama?
    I am interested in the origins of thriller drama because it’s one of my favorite genre of movies and plays.
    Thrillers were introduced in the 1920s and 1930s
    The first thriller ever released was a silent thriller called “The Lodger” that was directed by Alfred Hitchcock.
    Alfred added color to thrillers in the 1950, it made the films more interesting.

    What is the impact of drama on American society?
    I’m interested in this topic because society and drama are intertwined.
    Drama contribute to the may stereotypes in society.
    The way a drama portrays something can negatively or positively influence something or someone
    And their actions.

  18. Christian Brown
    AP Lit.
    6 February 2017

    1. What is the origin of comedy drama?
    I am interested in learning more about this topic because I love comedy, and since comedic drama is one of the main two I wished to learn more.
    I learned that comedic drama is aimed at entertainment and usually based off jokes. Its origin was based in Greece and Rome and usually consisted of a stage-play with a happy ending.
    2. What is the origin of tragic drama?
    I am interested in this topic because it is the opposite of comedic drama, which i searched before, and also the second most known kind of drama. Also to know the difference between the two would making categorizing drama easier in the future.
    The origin of tragic drama is based on human suffering that invokes proper emotional response. It was created over 2500 years ago in Greek theatre. Often they try to impact culture and society.

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  20. Kayla durden
    Ms. nicholson
    AP lit

    Topic -the origin of drama
    Why i am interested in this - i think drama is really interesting and would like to know where it originated.
    What i learned -The two masks associated with drama represent the traditional generic division between comedy and tragedy.
    -drama is a composition in verse or prose presenting a story in pantomime or dialogue, containing conflict of characters, particularly the ones who perform in front of audience on the stage

    Second topic - dramatic techniques and its benefits
    Why i am interested in this- i like drama and if i know more dramatic techniques it can help me understand it better
    What i learned- It can be difficult to fully appreciate a piece of drama if you are reading it silently from a book. Dramatic techniques include literary devices and staging elements determined by the playwright, director or stage manager. Dramatic techniques are used by a playwright to enhance the emotional, aural, and visual experience of the audience and to underline a script's meaning
    sources -

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  22. Armonee Harrison
    AP Literature & Composition

    What’s the exact name of the genre?

    -Since Drama isn’t the name of the genre I wanted to research what was.(Melodrama) Also

    - A melodrama is a dramatic or literary work in which the plot, which is typically sensational and designed to appeal strongly to the emotions, takes precedence over detailed characterization. Characters are often simply drawn, and may appear stereotyped. The term is now also applied to stage performances without incidental music, novels, movies, and television and radio broadcasts. In modern contexts, the term "melodrama" is generally pejorative, as it suggests that the work in question lacks subtlety, character development, or both.


    2. What are the characteristics of Melodrama? Types?

    There are many different types of melodrama that writers use for their movies, plays, etc. They also contain about 4 different characteristics.

    A simplified moral universe; good and evil are embodied in stock characters.
    Episodic form: the villain poses a threat, the hero or heroine escapes, etc.—with a happy ending.
    Almost never five acts – usually 2-5 (five acts reserved for "serious" drama).
    Many special effects: fires, explosions, drownings, earthquakes.

    Canine melodramas: like Lassie
    Nautical melodramas: interest in the sea.
    Disaster melodramas.

  23. Gabrielle Gousman
    AP Literature and Composition
    Ms. Nicholson
    6 February, 2017

    How was the story Oliver Twist transition from book to movie?
    I have always wondered about the process of turning a piece literature into a film. This story is especially of interest to me because I have seen the movie but have not read the book and I would like to know the details that are left out.
    Many details of the novel Oliver twist were lost in the movie Oliver. Details such as how far in poverty Oliver was, as well as his origin and how he got into poverty are missing from the movie. The producers and filmmakers left out lots of details that weren’t exactly ‘kid friendly’ to make the movie more appealing to parents.

    What are some of African Americans first occurrences in film?
    I wonder how many African American actresses and actors came into film, as well as their struggles in the industry.
    African Americans in early film history were represented as servants such as maids and cooks. One particular controversial role was when in Gone with the Wind Hattie McDaniel played a black Mammy. Many actresses and actors today such as Tyler Perry, Halle Berry and Denzel Washington have brung African American films into a more positive light and won many awards. and

  24. TaTyana Carter
    Ap Lit
    6 February 2017
    -What are the origins of drama in literature?
    -I am interested learning about this topic because learning the history of drama first will help me understand all of my other questions later on.
    -What i learned:The earliest of drama is found in Athens where the people would dress up and perform the hymns to honor their god. Certain people took up certain roles, which eventually lead to the creation of festivals. Thespis became the first actor in 534 BC. The word “drama” has Greek origins, meaning action. It has many different forms from Classical Greek Drama, Classical Roman Drama, Medieval, Elizabethan and Jacobean, English Restoration Comedy, etc.

    -How has “drama” on tv changed over the years, and how is it affecting our lives?
    -I am interested in researching this because, the things we see on tv has changed so much and it impacts the values that we have as humans.
    -What I learned: Reality tv is the new drama since real drama tv shows have been cancelled.

  25. Makayla Booker
    AP Literature
    Ms. Nicholson

    Different types of poetry- Types of Drama
    Improvisation / Let's Pretend
    A scene is set, and then with little or no time to prepare a script the actors starts the script.
    Role Plays
    Actors are given a particular role in a scripted play. After rehearsal the play is performed.
    Actors use only facial expressions and body language to pass on a message script to the rest of the audience.
    Masked Drama
    The main props are masks. Children then feel less inhibited to perform and overact while participating in this form of drama.
    Actors are given specific parts to play with a formal script. Using only their voices they must create the full picture for the rest of the class. Interpreting content and expressing it using only the voice.
    Puppet Plays
    People using puppets to say and do things that they may feel too inhibited to say or do themselves.
    Performance Poetry
    Reciting a poem.
    Radio Drama
    Similar to script reading with the addition of other sound affects, The painting of the mental picture is important.
    I choose this topic because I had wanted to know the different subdivisions of drama that there were.

    1. A play, movie, etc., of light and humorous character with a happy or cheerful ending; a dramatic work in which the central motif is the triumph over adverse circumstance, resulting in a successful or happy conclusion.
    2. That branch of the drama which concerns itself with this form of composition.
    3. The comic element of drama, of literature generally, or of life.
    4. Any literary composition dealing with a theme suitable for comedy, or employing the methods of comedy.
    5. Any comic or humorous incident or series of incidents.
    Comedy isn't always just used for the purpose to make one laugh. It could also be a story with a happy ending, even if the movie, play etc. doesn't make you laugh.
    I choose this because I have, as some of you may know, really like comedy and I like how it isn’t always for the purpose of making people laugh, it could just be a happy ending.

  26. Desire’ Parks
    AP Literature & Composition
    Ms. Nicholson
    6 February 2017

    How has technology influenced drama over time?
    I’m interested in learning more about this because I am a big fan of technology and not so much drama so this may help me appreciate it more.
    Technology is known as the backbone to any theatrical, dance, or musical production.
    Helps audience needs to see, hear, and feel a performance as fully as possible so that it is rich, emotional and unforgettable event.

  27. Isaiah Whiteside
    Ap lit
    Ms. Nicholson

    My topic was finding out the process of coming up with the script for anime.
    What I found out was that the creators decide the end of the anime first and then make the series based on leading up to the end. It sounds like a complicated process but once you have the result, it all just falls into place.
    Source: DaeQuan :D

  28. Jaque Gordon
    February 6, 2017
    Period 3

    I'm interested in this subject because it is written specifically for performance. I can act out almost any and everything. I've learned over the previous years that drama isn't just a genre, it is a component of literature. It does not necessarily have to be acted out; just as long as someone can just fro the script. My previous drama teachers explained this to us and wanted us to make sure we knew these things. Mr.Herr explained to us how no matter the genre in drama it should always have the peek of the emotion we are trying to convey.

    I am interested in knowing how the authors/artists prepare themselves to write these works of art. Where their minds are when they are writing and even if they go or have gone through the situations they write about. I also want to know how this component became to be. I also want to know the difference between a play and a drama because people ultimately think they are both the same thing. That a drama is a play when it is not
