Monday, March 6, 2017

Background on Julius Caesar

Read the following articles on Julius Caesar. Use evidence (direct quotes-ACE) from each article to answer the questions that follow.

1.      What were Caesar’s good qualities/characteristics?
2.      What were Caesar’s bad qualities/characteristics?
3.      Who supported Caesar? and  who was against Caesar?
4.      How did Caesar justify his actions?
5.      How does history portray Caesar?
6. At the point with what you know, whose side are you on? why?
7. What do you still want to know about Caesar? ancient roman politics?
-Do research (using reliable cites) to answer number.

* remember to post using an AP heading.


  1. Jahnae Davila
    Miss Nicholson
    AP Lit and Comp
    7 Mar 2017

    Caesar's good qualities, for him being a ruler, was that he was very intelligent and knew how to manipulate his power - to gain more power. He was also an eloquent speaker.
    Caesar’s bad characteristics were that he was selfish and power hungry; he was willing to risk it all, so to speak, just to gain power and prestige for himself.
    One major non-supporter of Caesar was Brutus who backstabbed him , for he was a co-conspirator in the first attempt to assassinate him! Additionally, anyone who championed Pompey obviously would not like Caesar since he was in direct opposition to Pompey’s power. His supporters were the common people, the citizens of Rome.
    Caesar justified his actions due to the fact that he declared himself ‘dictator for life’ so in his eyes, he could do whatever he wanted in his own personal interests.
    History portrays Caesar as a valiant conqueror who left a tremendous legacy behind, especially his bravery and brisk personal ambitions that he made sure to achieve.
    I am on Pompey’s side only because he was ruler first and made Rome what it was, even before Caesar.

  2. Isaiah Whiteside
    Ap Lit
    Ms. Nicholson
    Background on Julius Caesar

    One of Julius Caesar’s good qualities or characteristics was the fact that he was able to manipulate people to get pretty much whatever he wanted.
    That “good quality” that I said before could also be bad for other. They wouldn’t know what was going on and before they do it would be too late.
    The enemies or the ones who were against caesar was pompey and his men. The people who supported Caesar were basically all of rome like the common people.
    5. The history didn’t really portray him as a bad guy. He was chill and sometimes he was a
    little power hungry but overall he was just trying to defend his daughter.
    6. Honestly I’m on caesar’s side. He didn’t do anything wrong he was just doing what he
    felt was right, and I respect that.
    7. What i wanna know about Julius Caesar is how he became one of the rulers of Rome.
    It says that at first he was a statesman and a general then expanded the roman
    Republic through a series of battles across Europe before declaring himself dictator for

    1. the first couple were numbered but i dont know why they disapeared.

  3. 1. What were Caesar’s good qualities/characteristics?
    2. What were Caesar’s bad qualities/characteristics?
    3. Who supported Caesar? and who was against Caesar?
    4. How did Caesar justify his actions?
    5. How does history portray Caesar?
    6. At the point with what you know, whose side are you on? why?
    7. What do you still want to know about Caesar? ancient roman politics?

  4. Caesar good qualities and characteristics was outstanding military skills in subduing the native celtic and germanic tribes. 1.Julius caesar was born with unbridled political ambition and unsurpassed oratory skills.
    2.Caesar bad qualities and characteristics were his popularity with people soared, presenting a threat to senate and pompey.
    3.Those who supported caesar was Rome, Italy, His army & Mark Antony the triumvir of roman republic. Pompey was against caesar.
    4.Caesar justifies his actions by leading his army across Rubicon river in northern italy. Also by defeating pompey and within 3 months controlling the entire italian peninsula and in spain had defeated the legions loyal to pompey.
    5.History portrays Caesar as this disloyal person who was not to be trusted and someone you should fear. That he greed power.
    6.I’m on team Caesar because you have to go out and get what’s yours you can wait around on other people. Go and get everything that you desire.
    7.Why was caesar considered the father of leap year ? Who started the ancient rome politics ?

  5. DaeQuan Pointer
    Ms. Nicholson
    AP Lit
    7 March 2017

    Some of the good qualities of Julius Caesar were that he was intelligent, ambitious and persuasive.
    His more questionable qualities were his “ego” because of him being manipulated by Brutus to his death.
    The commoners supported Caesar the most where as the higher ups hated him.
    Caesar justified his actions by defending the people who had been cast out.
    History portrays Caesar as a point of great change is history because of his influence in Rome.
    When Caesar had proven himself to be a pretty competent ruler I would most likely join his side.
    If Caesar was so smart how after his constant pushes toward the meeting how did he not know Brutus was up to something.

  6. Gabrielle Gousman
    AP Literature and Composition
    7 March, 2017

    Julius, in regards to being a leader, is a good strategist and very intelligent. In “A Portrait of Julius Caesar”, describes Julius as “a man who changed history.” He was seen as the man who changed Rome.
    Bad characteristics of Julius in regards to him being a leader, is his tendency to have weak spells. He was also very frivolous. In the article “A Portrait of Julius Caesar,” it says “[He was a notable lady's man, and indulged in many intrigues; he was especially intimate with Servilia, the mother of Marcus Brutus,] for whom' he purchased in his first consulship . . . a pearl which cost him 6,000,000 sesterces and in the Civil War, besides other presents assigned to her -for a trifling consideration -some valuable farms that had been set up at public auction.” Which says that Caesar is very overindulgent, a bad quality to be associated with a ruler.
    Caesar supported by the commoners or “outcast”, but people who were supporters of Pompey or Marcus were against him.
    Caesar justifies his actions by saying it was his duty to stand by those who had been treated as outcast.
    History portrays Caesar as manipulative and power hungry.
    I am on the side of Caesar, because I believe that ultimately no matter if someone you care about goes against the beliefs you have that you should still hold loyalty to them. I believe in loyalty above your beliefs.
    Why do they decide to kill Caesar and who takes over after Caesar?

  7. Anthony Pickens
    AP Literature
    7 March 2017
    1. His positive qualities were that he had a good military mindset was able to lead an army
    2. His negative qualities were his ego and his hunger to have a lot of power
    3. People who liked Ceaser supported him, Pompey was against him
    4. He manipulated people
    5. History portayed Caesar as this horrible man who was power hungry, dangerous
    6. I am on Caesar side , even though he was a threat to certain people he had a strong ambition to have power which required to have a good thinking process and strategy.
    7. I still want to know how did Caesar really strike fear to many people.

  8. Dio'yanay Hicks

    AP Literature and Composition


    07 March 2017

    1.Caesar’s good qualities or characteristics is that Julius knew how to gain more power over people.

    2.Caesar’s bad qualities or characteristics is that if something doesn’t go his way he gets upset and takes things into his own hands. Not only that Caesar thought that he was suppose to be in charge of everything, he was selfish.

    3.The lower class supported Julius Caesar. Pompey was against Caesar, well not necessarily- Caesar go jealous and wanted to be in charge of everything and accepted the fact that Pompey was against him.

    4.Caesar justified his actions by thinking that he could do whatever he wanted to do.

    5.History portrays Caesar as someone who insist on having power and everything he did had to be better than others.

    6.I’m actually neutral about who side to be on because overall I think that they both wanted more power than the other, and Caesar thought that it was okay to kill someone so that he can get what he wants, and that is not how life works.

    7.How did Caesar sleep at night knowing that he killed Pompey? Was he feeling guilty?

  9. Makayla Booker
    AP Literature
    Ms. Nicholson

    3. The commoners were supported him the most.The higher up people didn’t like him for he favored the poor people.

    2. He was extremely unpopular among aristocrats due to some of his policies, which favored the poor and therefore angered wealthy Romans. Caesar's success at gaining and consolidating power also led some to suspect he was trying to become a king in Rome.

    1. He was intelligent, cunning, generous, energetic. Those were his good attributes and he also knew how to work a crowd.

    5. History portrayed him as being a dictator, but he favored the poor. He was a good orator and sort of a backstabber himself for killing his friend, Pompey, over something that wasn't even his fault.

    6. I am on Caesar side. Brutus chose the land he was from over a friendship. No I do moral beliefs over friendship, but he told a piece of land, and and an object, over someone who has helped him and his country. I just feel as if Caesar was just trying to do what he thought was best, and I do understand that Brutus thought that he was trying to do what was best as well, but he was just a little misguided.

    7. Yes. I would just like to refresh my brain over what I know about Rome already, and know a little bit of fun facts.

    4. Caesar justify his actions by self appointing himself as a dictator period he came to this conclusion due to all of his political, economical, military accomplishments that he had achieved throughout his political run. Even though he was more known for his political stance, he also had a lot of influence in other areas as well.

  10. Kelin West
    AP Literature
    7 March 2017

    1. Some good qualities of Julius Caesar are that he was extremely nice, he was a very intelligent person who knew how to manipulate his power, he was an accomplished writer who persuasively advertised his own achievements, and was a brilliant leader.
    2. Some bad qualities of Julius Caesar are that he was selfish of his own power and he forced his terrified troops to fight even if they didn’t want to.
    3. The common people supported Caesar but Pompey, Brutus, and Marcus were all against him.
    4. Caesar entered the Civil War to fight for his people because they were cast out.
    5. History portrays Caesar as a selfish person who was power hungry and a manipulative person. It also says that he was the man who changed history.
    6. I’m on team Caesar because he got the things he wanted by doing everything he can himself. He didn’t wait for other people to get or do everything for him.
    7. I want to know how Caesar became a leader in the first place and how long was he fighting before his death.

  11. Nikala McKinney
    AP Literature and Composition
    7 March 2017

    1.Caesar’s good qualities were his kindness to the people. He took into consideration of their needs, and he supported them all the way. He was also good at getting the people together so everyone was on agreement on what was going on.

    2.Caesar’s bad qualities was his unpopularity with the rich. They thought it was bad for him to favor the poor, and he also took power for his own. His resentment towards Pompey, and the Civil War, made Caesar seem very hungry, especially when he claimed himself Dictator.

    3.The poor supported Caesar, along with his family and small group of friends. The rich were against Caesar, along with the Senate.

    4.Caesar justified his actions by

  12. Jalen McIntosh
    Ms. Nicholson
    AP Literature and Composition
    7 March 2017

    1. Caesars good qualities were that he was an intellectual and he was really good with his words and that was a good advantage because he was a leader.

    2. Caesar’s bad qualities is that he was extremely power hungry. He declared himself dictator for life and this led to his downfall as a leader because target were now on his back.

    3. Caesar’s wife and the common people were supporters of him and Brutus and the members of the Senate were against caesar because they conspired his assassination.

    4. Caesar justified his actions by declaring that he was dictator for life.

    5. History portrays Caesar as a conqueror and extremely cold blooded and brutal. He was power hungry and feared and ultimately that's what caused is downfall.

    6. I’m on Brutus team because I feel that Caesar need to be taken down. He was too powerful for his own good and it was beginning to get to his head.

    7. Who takes over after Caesar was killed?

  13. Dimetrius Poston
    AP Eng Lit Comp
    Ms. Nicholson
    7 March 2017

    Background on Julius Caesar

    1. What were Caesar’s good qualities/characteristics?
    Caesar had “unbridled political ambition and unsurpassed oratory skills”. He was able to convince anyone to do what he wanted throught he will presented in his words. As for his “unbridled political political ambition”, it is because of Caesar that Rome is became a dictatorship. Caesar was also a “brilliant military leader”. He went before his army, whether by horseback or foot.

    2. What were Caesar’s bad qualities/characteristics?
    Caesar was very manipulative in his ways, and did not take ‘no’ for an answer. Most importantly, Julius Caesar was power-hungry. So much so that he accepted the current head of Senate’s head on a platter from the Egyptians and brought it proudly to Rome to claim the throne, as it were.

    3. Who supported Caesar? And who was against Caesar?
    Caesar’s wife and true friends supported him, as well as his doctors and priests, and a few allied people, such as the Plebs and the Egyptians.

    4. How did Caesar justify his actions?
    Caesar believed that he deserved to be emperor. He believed that all of his victories and great military skill would make him a great ruler, and so set out to become one.

    5. How does history portray Caesar?
    History portrays Caesar as an adamant military leader-turned-emperor who cared very much much about his health and his appearance, was quite the lady’s man, extravagant with his money, and determined beyond belief (he would take a deserter in his army by the throat and push them towards the enemy).

    6. At the point with what you know, whose side are you on? Why?
    I’m not sure whose side I am on. I can see that Caesar is not a bad person at heart, just ambitious, but I can also see that his drive is changing Rome’s political structure, though for better or worse at this time is undetermined.

    7. What do you still want to know about Caesar? Ancient roman politics?
    Can you tell me straight up whether or not Caesar is a bad guy? Was he called emperor at this time, or was it after his death that they adopted the term? And with their Senate, was it like how our political system is?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I am aware that this is late, and I apologize Ms. Nicholson. Excuses are considered irreverent, so I will not bother to write one. Just please note that I do sincerely apologize.

  14. 1.Caesar’s good qualities were being a leader and standing up for what he believe.
    2.In a way he was very demanding
    3.Caesar’s wife and true friends supported him, as well as his doctors and priests, and a few allied people, such as the Plebs and the Egyptians.
    4.Caesar believed that he deserved to be emperor. He believed that all of his victories and great military skill would make him a great ruler, and so set out to become one.
    5.History portray him as a great leader who cared about himself and how he looked.
    6.I really don't know right now he not a bad person he just believe in what he believe.

  15. Saige McGinnis
    AP Literature and Composition
    8 March,2017

    Some of Caesar’s good qualities was that he was a good military leader, confident, and ambitious. Some of Caesar’s bad qualities was that he manipulated people to get what he wanted and and he was brutal.
    The commoners supported Caesar while Cassius, Brutus, and Casca was against him.
    Julius Caesar justified his actions by calling himself a dictator and he fought for his people. History portrays Caesar as a power-hungry dictator.
    I would say that I’m on Julius’s side. I mean you have to do what you have to do to reach the top and I like his confidence. Some questions I have about Julius Caesar are What was Julius Caesar thinking when they were striking him with their daggers?(I’ll never be able to find that out) How did Julius treat his wife? Was Caesar a good military leader?

  16. Kayla Durden
    AP literature and composition
    7 February 2017

    1.Caesar’s good qualities were determination, and intelligence, and he was a good speaker who was able to influence crowds
    2. Caesar’s bad qualities were his ruthlessness, power hungry ways and his naive ways.
    3. It seems like the people who supported caesar was his wife, the priests, his doctors, common people and some friends who urged him not to go and tried to get him to abandon going to the senate. It seems like the other people in power and Brutus who he thought was one of his most close friends was the man who arranged his death and helped to kill his friend
    4. Caesar justified his actions
    5. History is portraying Caesar as a good man who was strong minded, dedicated, and a successful man it doesn’t seem like history is trying to portray him as a bad man who had vicious or malicious intent.
    6. I don’t really know whose side i’m on because every person had their personal reasoning for doing what they did. While Brutus was wrong for killing and lying to caesar, caesar was also wrong for crossing into territory he should not have knowing the consequences, and pompey isn’t innocent either, he was going to assassinate Caesar as per the   
    7. I want to know more about Caesar’s relationship with Brutus and pompey because it just seems so interesting and sad.

  17. Deveyon blacknell
    Ap literature
    Ms nicholson
    Some of his good qualities was his hair, he always kept his hair closely cut and kept his face shaved. He was a ladies man he also was a good military leader

    He was a spellbinding orator able to sway others through the will of his words. He wanted so much power

    The people that really supported Caesar was the citizens because the people loved him also his wife and mark antonym and his army

    Caesar won many battles which really made him think that he would be a great ruler over Rome Italy

    History kind of made him look bad, history made him look like as really hungry for power and a person the force3d things with his words and actions he was also known as a great powerful military leader that lead Rome

    I would say I'm on Caesar side because everyone wants a little more no one is ever ok of what they have people want something minor or major to change so I don't blame him

    I would want to know was the people really trying to kill Caesar because of Rome or because they were jealous of Caesar
